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Massaro: “Hard punch against criminals”

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The mayor thinks about night surveillance and the expansion of the video surveillance network after the attack on the 50-year-old in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. Then he announces: “We will be a civil party against the perpetrators of the beating”

BELLUNO. Night surveillance in collaboration with traders, strengthening of video surveillance and the establishment as a civil party against the perpetrators of the attack a few nights ago in the historic center: these are the main points presented by the mayor of Belluno Jacopo Massaro to the Prefect and Quaestor of Belluno during the course an interview on the issue of safety in the city.

“In recent times there have been intolerable events, unworthy for a city like Belluno and which I asked to be completely crushed with urgency”, highlights Massaro. “On the sidelines of the technical meeting of the police, I presented some proposals: the first is the one, which I had already launched a few years ago to traders who did not collect it and which could now arise thanks to the involvement and direct interest of of the Prefect, is that of the establishment of a night surveillance service in the historic center. It is a theme that we had proposed to combat the problems of noises and decay and which today is necessary to combat much more serious situations, and we will also involve Ascom in this project ».

Another theme underlined was that of video surveillance: «The police recognize a particularly advanced video surveillance system, one of the most advanced in Italy. The positions of all the cameras have been agreed with the police, and therefore we will not install new equipment autonomously, but I asked for the convocation of an Order and Security Committee dedicated to this issue to decide together the next steps: public order. it is not a municipal competence, but we want to be present and also bring citizens’ requests to the table ”.

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Precisely for this reason, an urgent council meeting has been called for Thursday 30 December to make financial resources available to start the project, in the event of a favorable opinion from Ascom and the exhibitors.

On the attack in the historic center a few days ago, Massaro makes it known to await the development of the investigations, but already announces that the Municipality of Belluno will form a civil action against the authors “for the enormous damage done to the image and tranquility of our fellow citizens “.

Massaro then highlighted that he had dealt with the mayors of Feltre, Rovigo, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso, Lecco and Cuneo, “realities of similar size to that of our city and which experienced the same problem after the lockdown: an explosion of degradation, agitation and violence. With the mayors of the Veneto we will have a remote meeting dedicated exclusively to this theme already in January, just after the holidays. It is therefore not a local fact, but a generalized sociological and psychological problem, born from a loss of authority of the institutions towards young people, caused by phenomena such as DAD, the confused and contradictory information that gave the idea of ​​absence of an authoritative guide, from the debates between Yes-Vax and No-Vax that also broke out inside the walls of the house. Beyond the immediate repression intervention, therefore, the responsibility of the police who will see the municipalities at their side, we must absolutely start projects to address and control this problem from a social point of view, perhaps together with these cities and with the ‘economic aid from the Region and the State’.

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