Home » 34% of the positives admitted to the hospital are not sick with Covid

34% of the positives admitted to the hospital are not sick with Covid

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34% of hospitalized positive patients are not sick with Covid-19, or rather they are not in hospital for respiratory or pulmonary syndromes and have not developed Covid disease, but require health care for other diseases and at the time of the pre-admission swab is tested positive for Sars-CoV-2.

These are very important data that emerge from a study carried out last January 5 by the Italian Federation of Healthcare and Hospitals on the 550 patients hospitalized in the Covid areas of the six large hospitals and healthcare companies: Asst Civilian hospitals of Brescia, Irccs Policlinico San Martino Hospital of Genoa, Irccs Aou in Bologna, Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital in Avellino and Polyclinic in Bari. This is a sample equal to 4% of the total number of people admitted to Italian hospitals.

Hospitalized not for Covid but with the coronavirus

According to the data published by Fiaso, one out of three patients hospitalized with confirmed infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus is hospitalized to treat anything else: trauma, heart attacks, hemorrhages, decompensation, tumors.

Of the total 550 patients monitored, 363 (66%) are hospitalized with a diagnosis of lung infection. While 187 (34%) do not show clinical, radiographic and laboratory signs of lung involvement: that is, they were hospitalized not for the virus but with the virus. The diagnosis of Sars-CoV-2 infection is therefore occasional. For the overwhelming majority, 36% of the total positive patients but without respiratory symptoms, are pregnant women who need obstetric and gynecological assistance. 33%, on the other hand, is made up of patients who have suffered a decompensation of the internal condition deriving from diabetes or other metabolic diseases, from cardiovascular, neurological, oncological diseases or chronic bronchopneumopathies. Another share, equal to 8%, concerns patients with ischemias, strokes, cerebral haemorrhages or heart attacks. Another 8%, on the other hand, is represented by those patients who must undergo an urgent and non-postponable surgery even if they are positive for Covid. There is also a proportion, altogether 6% of the total, of patients who arrive at the emergency room due to accidents and require assistance for various traumas and fractures.

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According to Fiaso, the age difference between the two groups of positive patients should also be emphasized.

  • patients hospitalized for Covid are much older and have an average age of 69;
  • infected subjects without symptoms and hospitalized for other pathologies are 56 years old on average.

Of the subjects who developed lung disease from viruses, only 14% were vaccinated with a full course of three doses or with two doses for less than 4 months. On the other hand, among those who are positive for Sars-CoV-2 but are hospitalized for other diseases, 27% are vaccinated with three doses or two doses for less than 4 months. In both groups there is a preponderance of unvaccinated subjects or those who have not yet taken the booster dose.

Younger and more serious: the no vax hospitalized for covid

The data go hand in hand with those published last January 8 by the higher health institute.

The same data were then presented yesterday at a press conference by Health Minister Roberto Speranza together with Prime Minister Mario Draghi. These are important numbers because they are collected throughout the national territory.

Out of 100 thousand people there are 23.2 people who go to intensive care and they are the unvaccinated. When you go to the vaccinated with two doses for more than 4 months, the figure goes from 23 to 1.5, then it drops dramatically and drops to 1 when the vaccination takes place in the primary cycle within 4 months and with the booster it goes to 0.9 , according to a chart Iss.

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As Speranza himself explains, “if we want to reduce the pressure on hospitals and save lives and if we want to favor the economic and social restart of the country, the priority is to reduce the area of ​​the unvaccinated. And this is a choice that has full scientific evidence. “.


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