Home » This diet may be able to reduce the risks of osteoporosis and keep the femur and other bones safe according to science

This diet may be able to reduce the risks of osteoporosis and keep the femur and other bones safe according to science

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Advancing age is a process that affects us all and which, unfortunately, is irreversible. This does not imply that we should not take care of the health of the body and try to preserve it from ailments and diseases. There are two points to focus on: physical activity and healthy eating. Today we will talk about the second. And this diet could be able to reduce the risks of osteoporosis and keep the femur and other bones safe according to science. Let’s see what it is and discover the scientific studies that have led to these conclusions. We probably have all the foods in the house to try and start it.

This diet may be able to reduce the risks of osteoporosis and keep the femur and other bones safe according to science

Osteoporosis is a common problem that often coincides with advancing age. Bones reduce their mass and become more fragile, exposing us to the risk of trauma and injuries. Fortunately for us, we have foods that could help strengthen our bones and slow the course of the disease.

And science has even discovered that there is a whole diet that can reduce the risks of osteoporosis: the Mediterranean diet. Our beloved Mediterranean diet, in addition to having excellent effects on the heart and prostate, would also seem to be very useful for the bones. Let’s see how and why.

The study of the effect of the Mediterranean diet on osteoporosis

A study, conducted in collaboration by five European countries, analyzed the effects of the Mediterranean diet on the bone health of a thousand people. For the analyzes, the age group between 65 and 79 years, probably the most affected by osteoporosis, was chosen.

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The people were followed for twelve months and divided into two groups. One of the two followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with small amounts of vitamin D. It emerged that it was precisely those affected by osteoporosis who adopted this diet that had an increase in bone mass. Especially in the femur area, one of the most delicate and fragile in the body.

Further insights and new research will be needed, but the way to learn more about one of the most debilitating diseases of the elderly seems to have been drawn.

The Mediterranean diet and the role of olive oil

Definitely interesting to go into the specifics of the foods chosen for the research. People who have improved their bone health have reduced their consumption of meat and dairy products. And at the same time they increased that of fruit and vegetables, unrefined grains and olive oil.

Olive oil has ended up under the magnifying glass of scholars. The first hypothesis is that the phenolic compounds of the oil could help the bones to regenerate. Pending further confirmation from the scientific community, we close with an important piece of advice.

Even the Mediterranean diet could have contraindications in subjects allergic to certain foods or for those on treatment with certain drugs. Before adopting it, it is therefore always mandatory to consult your doctor.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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