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you book on the portal, the recipe will not be needed here. All the news

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VENICE – After Emilia Romagna, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy, Umbria, Veneto also authorizes the swab Covid-19 of end of isolation in the pharmacy. Unlike the other regions, however, Veneto wanted a piece of paper from the ministry in which it says that the first generation rapid antigen test (which is what is done in pharmacies) is allowed for positive people who want to know if they are negativized. The test for patients will be free, the Region will pay, which has allocated 5 million euros. The other news is that from tomorrow there will be a portal to book tampons, in this case at Covid points, and, if you have a Spid or Cie digital identity, you can also download the healing certificate. Attention: booking at Covid points will not require a doctor’s or Sisp’s prescription, instead to make the tampon in the pharmacy you will need the prescription from your doctor or the Ulss email.

—> GO TO THE PORTAL: https://sorvegianzacovid.azero.veneto.it/

The novelty announced yesterday by the governor Luca Zaia is that it will no longer be mandatory to go (and queue for kilometers) to the Covid points of the Ulss to have the end of isolation buffer or for school contacts (the so-called T0 and T5), but you can go even at the pharmacy (or at your doctor or pediatrician) without paying a cent. Even the end of quarantine swab, which was already possible in the pharmacy but at a cost of 15 euros, will now be free.
Veneto arrives last but not least: compared to other regions it has used a caution that may seem excessive to some, but which in the case of stamped papers protects the body from any recourse. Until yesterday the “papers” said, in fact, that the positive subject could ascertain the possible negativization only with a molecular swab or with a third generation antigen test. And in fact the Veneto Region a few days ago, by allocating 5 million euros, had given the Ulss the possibility to agree with private structures capable of carrying out third-generation tests to carry out the end-of-isolation buffer. But, in fact, we needed conventions.
The swabs that are made in pharmacies, on the other hand, are first generation antigenic rapid tests. “In the face of serious trouble, it would have ended up in the Prosecutor’s Office,” said Zaia who for days had asked the ministry for an official clearance. The green light came on Friday evening through an email from the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza: “It is specified that it is possible to use antigen tests on nasal, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal samples, present in the common European list and carried out by health workers “. Translated: ok the pharmacy, no do-it-yourself tests. For the latter operation – end-of-quarantine and end-of-isolation swabs in pharmacies – the Region has allocated another 5 million euros.

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Given that the Region has given indications to the Ulss to give priority in Covid points to under 12, frail and disabled people, the other novelty that will be operational from tomorrow is the portal https://sorvegianzacovid.azero.veneto.it dedicated to subjects positive. This “Covid-19 regional platform” – explained Francesca Russo, Director of Prevention of the Region – was developed in order to simplify direct access for users, standardize services and communication to citizens and support the Ulss companies in some aspects of managing new positive cases. Here’s what it predicts.
1) Covid-19 personal card. The section will be available to citizens who have carried out a positive (antigenic or molecular) swab in the Veneto region. It will be possible to record some information for epidemiological surveillance such as the symptomatic or asymptomatic state, as well as obtain the certificates of beginning and end of isolation and the certificate of negativization. Access will be possible through authentication with Spid or Cie.
2) Reservation of the tampon. In this section it will be possible to book the swab for all subjects who have tested positive in a test carried out in the Veneto region and are currently positive, even without a doctor’s prescription.
3) Vaccination appointment booking: the platform also allows access to the existing portal for booking anti Covid-19 vaccinations. In this case, access is by means of a tax code and the last 6 digits of the Team card.
4) SMS: from tomorrow a text message will be sent to all subjects who have carried out a successful swab available in the regional applications in the previous 4 days, inviting them to access the regional platform. Subsequently, every day a text message will be sent to all new positive subjects.

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In recent days, Brothers of Italy (who had also asked to include parapharmacies) and Forza Italia had asked to allow tampons in pharmacies. These are the comments yesterday after Zaia’s announcement: “Great result, victory for the Brothers of Italy”, Raffaele Speranzon; «Choice of common sense», Elisa Venturini and Alberto Bozza.

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