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Can I go to the beach after the vaccine?

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THE TREND of the vaccination campaign suggests that many Italians will be called to take the first or second dose of vaccine in the summer. For this and other reasons, such as the uncertain evolution of infections, many will book the last date and destination of their trip. However, those who plan to leave for the beach immediately after the injection or already know that it will happen in the middle of a week at sea, will not have to avoid the sun due to potential interactions between the drug and the sun’s rays. Net, logically, of the side effects. “We know that, if we want to continue vaccinations at an accelerated pace, several people will have an appointment close to, or during, the holidays” he agrees Giovanni Maga, director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Cnr of Pavia. “But there is no contraindication to going to the beach immediately after the vaccine. This is one more reason not to postpone it, given that the decline in infections could generate a sense of greater security against the pandemic and lead some to not book the vaccination or to move it further “.

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Unlike some categories of medicines, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken to treat fever or antibiotics, vaccines are not photosensitive. “Drugs often introduce chemical molecules that are reactive and sensitive to sunlight, potentially capable of causing skin irritation. This is the reason, for example, why sunbathing under antibiotic therapy is not recommended ”, explains the virologist.

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Vaccines, on the other hand, are biological preparations that do not contain chemicals, but molecules of natural origin that are not sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. The lipids of the nanoparticles of the messenger mRna vaccine, like that of Pfizer and Moderna, are not, and the proteins that make up the envelope of the adenovirus used in the viral vector vaccines are not, therefore that of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson ” .

Everything, therefore, depends on the side effects that vaccination induces. “A small proportion of people experience adverse reactions, such as fever and fatigue or a rash at the injection site. Since the first occurs within two days and the second after a few hours, my advice, at most, is not to expose yourself to the sun on the first day after the vaccine ”suggests Maga. This does not mean not going to the beach, but just protecting yourself more than usual, staying under the umbrella or covering the area of ​​the sting. “This is because – concludes the virologist – if there is a fever or irritation, the body is already stressed and exposing oneself to the sun runs the risk of intensifying or prolonging the symptom”.

Agree Paolo Pigatto, head of the Dermatology Operating Unit at the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute in Milan, who provides some advice on the use of creams in the injection area. “You can safely use a product with a solar filter, with the foresight not to expose yourself directly to the sun” says the expert. “If, on the other hand, the skin area where the vaccine was given swells or becomes very red, do not use anti-inflammatory creams, especially during the day, but rather cortisone-based creams. My advice is to use them at night, while not expose yourself to heat during the day and spread a sunscreen “.

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