Home » turin. The Regio reopens after 8 months with Puccini’s La Bohème

turin. The Regio reopens after 8 months with Puccini’s La Bohème

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TURIN. Maria Callas is her tutelary deity. “There is always her aura that surrounds me in a somewhat strange way,” confesses Maritina Tampakopoulos. The young Greek soprano has much in common with the Divina, above all the love for opera and for a certain way of conceiving singing. He will demonstrate it as the protagonist of “La bohème” by Puccini, a title chosen by the Teatro Regio to inaugurate the new season. After being closed for eight months due to the first stage of adaptation and renovation of the stage layout, the Piazza Castello hall will reopen its doors tomorrow with a new staging designed by Paolo Gavazzeni and Piero Maranghi with Pier Giorgio Morandi on the podium.

What does Maria Callas represent for you?
«He is a determining figure. As a child I received “The Platinum Collection of Callas” as a gift and listening to “Lakmé” I was dazzled. I found myself projected into this universe of extraordinary, exotic sounds, of ethereal melodies and I decided that in her life I wanted to become like her ».

When did you realize that singing would be your way?
“My parents are not artists, although there has always been a musical tradition in the family. At the age of 3 I already loved performing, so much so that in kindergarten I stole the microphone from a professional singer. Growing up I continued to try my hand at singing, especially at school, until I heard the Callas record and understood what my path should have been. I enrolled in the Athens Conservatory while continuing my studies, I attended the University and I graduated in political sociology ».

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Callas being of Greek origin, it was inevitable that he would happen on his path.
“Of course, also because we have a lot in common. First of all the Greek roots, then the fact that my mother was born in New York, also in Vienna I studied with Glenys Linos who had known her and she told me some anecdotes that made her even closer to me. In short, there are numerous coincidences that unite us ».

Among which the interpretation of the character he will bring to the Regio. Who is your Mimi?
«She is delicate, dreamy and at the same time concrete. She wants to enjoy life and tries to survive, then, like all women in their twenties, she seeks love. To give it substance, I deepened with the reading of the novel by Murger, on which Puccini, with Giacosa and Illica, drew on to create the work. I tried to study the era in which it is set and I tried to live the character to understand what her feelings might be. I let it all settle and the result is what will happen on stage ».

How much of Maritina is in Mimi?
“A lot, because a little bit of each character exists in the life of each of us. It is enough to reflect and that thing that is happening on stage has happened to everyone, if not to us personally to some relative or friend. Human instincts repeat themselves, feelings have no age or epoch and, for this very reason, melodrama is universal. In particular, “Bohème” is a strongly contemporary work because it tells of the hope that we all have, of love and of life ».

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Among the roles you have played, which is your favorite?
“It’s a difficult question, because I feel close to me all the women I’ve taken to the theater. I try to understand them and I am fond of each of them ».

What music do you like to listen to?
«I’m omnivorous and I hear everything, I also followed Sanremo together with friends, commenting on songs and outfits. I keep myself informed, also because music unites, it is a planetary language, it expresses things that cannot be said in words. Every musical genre offers interesting ideas, but to distract me and clear my mind after a long day of work, I like to relax with a bit of bossa nova that manages to make me find some sun in a second “.

You are fluent in Italian, where did you learn our language?
«I started getting close thanks to the opera, then the charm of this country overwhelmed me. In January I moved to Venice because I fell in love with an Italian ». –

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