Home » Meloni warns Lega and FI: “I am no longer available to continue like this. Center-right with us or with the government “

Meloni warns Lega and FI: “I am no longer available to continue like this. Center-right with us or with the government “

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Meloni warns Lega and FI: “I am no longer available to continue like this.  Center-right with us or with the government “

There is still the center-right and the relationship with the allies at the center of the interview with Giorgia Meloni which will be broadcast tonight at “Porta a Porta” on Rai1. And the leader of the Brothers of Italy makes it clear that the measure is now full, and that the moment of reckoning has come. “I’m not available to pretend nothing has happened, to continue like this. I ask for a declared willingness to be part of the center-right: the allies should clarify whether they want to be part of the coalition or the government, “she says. And she adds: «I hope that the center-right can be rebuilt, otherwise we need to think. The others should be asked if they want to stay and under what conditions ».

But relations are tense and Meloni had already said on other occasions not to “hear from Salvini for some time.” In the advances released before tonight’s episode, the former minister reiterates: «There are things that need to be clarified, Salvini hasn’t heard from before Mattarella’s election. The theme – she adds – is not what FdI wants which is clear, the others must say something about some choices made, up to Bolkestein, about changes of position, they must say if they want to change pace “. Because, if there is one point that is clear for Meloni, it is that “alliances are not made on titles, but on content: We must talk about concrete things”, including, with Salvini, “the electoral law, the anti mess, the certainty that the center-right wants to make the center-right ».

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While on relations with the government, Meloni explains with a joke that “I have never been engaged to Draghi” while reiterating that with the Prime Minister “there is a serene relationship of opposition. I talk to him, I try to make proposals, to help Italy ».

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