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how much it will be and how to get it

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how much it will be and how to get it

After months of back and forth, there is official confirmation by Roberto Speranza. The Minister of Health announced, somewhat surprisingly, that a new bonus: the one for thepsychological assistance. Speranza explained that the government is addressing the “great issue of mental health” in the era of the Covid pandemic. “We are working on it, already in the Milleproroghe we will give a first signal that goes in this direction”.

The proposal for a bonus for psychological assistance was launched last December by the senator of the Democratic Party Caterina Bitiwith an amendment accepted by all political forces, but the government had been forced to shelve it due to lack of funds.

The Deputy Pd Filippo Sensi was now the first signatory of the specific amendment to the Milleproroghebut the battle, civil even before political, had already started a few months ago with one petition on Change.org, where to date 300,000 signatures have already been reached and exceeded. 21 scientific societies have also requested the institution of the bonus, with a document addressed to the government, Parliament and local authorities.

How much psychological disorders have increased causes Covid

But the minister warns against the idea that problems can be solved in this way: “Be careful to think that with the bonus we solve problems, because there is a need for more resources for territorial and psychological assistance with systemic action. The bonus is a signal ”.

A first fundamental step, however, that had been awaited for some time, especially in light of the data that indicate a profound psycho-social discomfort connected to the health emergencye especially among young people and children. But not only.

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Many people who have lost their jobs due to Covid, just as many who have started demonstrating depressive symptoms or anxiety states due to the forced closure of activities. Among the boys they registered worrying increases in suicide attempts and admissions to psychiatric wards, when, however, the disturbance is already very serious.

According to data collected by the National Council of the Order of Psychologists, in these pandemic years well 8 out of 10 people developed psychological distress problems structured and 2 out of 10 mental disorders strictly speaking and more severe. So that a psychological bonus has already been activated in some regionswho moved early (here the regions where it is already active).

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Psychologist bonus, how much it will be and how it will be requested

The amendment to the Milleproroghe establishes a loan of 40 million euros for psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance vouchers to be assigned on the basis of the ISEE. But the government is unlikely to be able to cover this figure, at least in the first phase. The details of the Psychologist Bonus are not yet known but Speranza spoke of one initial allocation of 20 million euros. Now that the health emergency is improving (here the “spy” symptoms of Omicron and when to swab), politics must take care of the mental health of Italians as well.

The funds raised will be distributed in two different tranches: one half will go to the strengthening of the public psychiatric assistance network, including the local health authorities and counseling centers. The other half, however, will be available to the private citizens, who can apply for it by presenting the ISEE. Probably those who have an ISEE higher than 50 thousand euros will be excluded.

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It will almost certainly be a bonus in the form of financial aid: in 2022 it should be 600 euros and should go to anyone with mental health problems which can be caused by the pandemic, by long periods of lockdown or by stressful situations due to Dad ”and smart working, but also by other causes. Regardless of age.

Even with regard to the delivery methods, there is still no certain information, but the Psychologist Bonus could be distributed in voucher format through your GP.

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