Home » Fetuses in barrels, the shed manager investigated. The remains from a university museum

Fetuses in barrels, the shed manager investigated. The remains from a university museum

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Fetuses in barrels, the shed manager investigated.  The remains from a university museum

There is still much to be excavated, but some fixed points are beginning to be defined around the shock discovery of about forty barrels with fetuses and human remains inside, found in a shed in the industrial area of ​​Granarolo. Remains preserved in formaldehyde or paraffin, but in poor condition, now also altered in color. A fact due to oxidation, linked to the very long time spent in non-optimal storage conditions. Today there is a first suspect: he is the manager of the shed.

The anatomical museum of the Alma Mater
Investigations that led to the basements of an anatomical museum of the University started from the type of fetal conservation. In all probability the one that, until the end of the 90s, was based in pavilion 18 of the Policlinico. That building was the subject of a very long restoration, which ended about three years ago. Obviously, to do the work, it had first been necessary to clear the premises. A story that, which began in a relatively distant past, today involves the Alma Mater, whose availability is the anatomical museum from which the contents of the barrels seem to come. The university, in this regard, specified that «At the moment the investigations in progress do not allow a full and clear evaluation of the incident and advise against making a pronouncement – commented the rector Giovanni Molari -, with due respect for the work done by the investigators. At the same time we are conducting the appropriate internal checks. Naturally, I, for one, believe it essential to shed full light on the matter and we will provide full support to the investigators ”. A story still clouded by several obscure points, considering that for the disposal of special waste the Unibo does not act directly, but relies on specialized companies that deal with the management of waste such as those found in the Granarolo warehouse.

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