Home » Judge opens trial against probable perpetrators of death of 40 migrants

Judge opens trial against probable perpetrators of death of 40 migrants

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Judge opens trial against probable perpetrators of death of 40 migrants
migrants death of
Photo EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

A control judge determined this Tuesday to open a trial for the crimes of homicide and injuries against three migration agents, a private security guard and a migrant, for the death of 40 migrants, on March 27, caused by the fire at a migration center in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, northern Mexico.

The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) of Mexico, the institution in charge of the investigations of the case, indicated this Tuesday in a statement at the hearing held this day, before the federal control judge in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, began a trial against the five people charged by the FGR and from whom the corresponding arrest warrants had been obtained.

The foregoing, “for the crimes of homicide and injury, both intentional, as perpetrators by commission by omission”: immigration agents Daniel “N”, Rodolfo “N”, Gloria “N” and the private security guard Alan ” N”, “who were subject to criminal proceedings in their next complementary stage”.

And for what corresponds to Jaison “N”, the FGR indicated that this person “was linked as a material author by action, of the crimes of homicide and intentional injuries.”

Mexican media identified the migration agents as Daniel Goray, Rodolfo Collazo and Gloria Ramos, the private security guard as Alan Pascual Ventura and the migrant as Jaison Daniel Catari.


The FGR indicated that after the decision of the judge of this day, it continues with the rest of the investigations “on the criminal responsibilities of the different public servants of the National Institute of Migration (INM) and on the individuals linked to the private security services.”

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Just on Monday, the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) of Mexico raised to 40 the number of migrants who died after the fire broke out in the immigration station.

“At the moment there are 40 deaths and 27 injuries, of which 23 remain hospitalized,” said entity said in a press release.

On the night of March 27, after a day of migrant detentions in Ciudad Juárez, about 70 people remained detained at the immigration station, where 40 people died after a fire broke out for reasons yet to be determined inside the government facility. .

According to the official story, the fire was started by the migrants themselves by burning some mattresses in protest when they found out they were going to be deported.

Among the dead are 6 Honduran migrants, 7 Salvadorans, 18 Guatemalans, one Colombian and 7 Venezuelans, and the identity of the last person who died is unknown.

According to Mexican civil organizations, 2022 was the most tragic year for migrants in Mexico, as some 900 died trying to cross without documents from the country to the United States.

The region is experiencing a record migratory flow, with 2.76 million undocumented immigrants detained at the United States border with Mexico in fiscal year 2022.

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