Home » Walking, what happens extremely different if you do it in the morning instead of the evening

Walking, what happens extremely different if you do it in the morning instead of the evening

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Walking, what happens extremely different if you do it in the morning instead of the evening

Walking offers numerous health benefits, many wonder whether it is more correct to walk in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening.

Walking – BedQuotidiano.it

Without a doubt, brisk walking is an effective way to lose weight and stay healthy

Differences in walking in the morning

The choice of whether to do physical exercises by walking in the morning, afternoon or evening depends on many variables, and whether our goal is lose a few extra poundsideally we should organize ourselves to walk in the morning.

On the other hand, it is true that you are more busy in the morning and this does not necessarily have to translate into an excuse not to do anything. Every moment of the day is useful, obviously we will have to organize it according to the commitments of the day.

Walking, young woman walking the dog
Walking, young woman walking with the dog – BedQuotidiano.it

This choice is dictated by the fact that at this moment the metabolism accelerates and energy begins to be spent, in the morning we have greater stamina.

It must be said that heart rate and blood pressure are regulated and the body is oxygenated, and this condition predisposes the body to face the day with greater dynamism.

Why should we do it in the early afternoon

If you are feeling a little bloated, taking an afternoon walk will help get rid of the swelling. We are often tempted to have a snack around 5pm and on more than one occasion we have given in. It should be remembered that exercising increases the serotonin and norepinephrine, a hormone that controls hunger.

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So taking a walk at this time of day will be able to reduce swelling, hence yours belly will be flatter and toned.

Also, as the sun loses some of its strength in the afternoon, especially in autumn and winter, it’s a perfect time to not miss the last chance to go for a walk and increase our levels of vitamin D.

Evening walk

If doing high-intensity exercise a few hours before going to sleep is not recommended, it is true that a walk will make us sleep and rest better. In case you have had a busy day, this is the best remedy to consider even though you may feel unmotivated.

There is an improvement in the ability to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood for the next 24 hours and digestion is easier.

It is also good for the cardiovascular system, as lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. You can benefit from all these benefits with just 45 minutes of evening walking.

Elderly couple strolls in the park
Elderly couple walks in the park – BedQuotidiano.it

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