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Coronavirus in the world: vaccines, infections and all the news on the situation

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The vaccination campaign AstraZeneca against the Covid-19 will continue in Australia despite many European nations having suspended it to investigate serious side effects reported in some patients. John Skerritt, the head of Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (the pharmaceutical regulator), said he had talks with more than a dozen European countries overnight and that current evidence suggests there is no reason to stop the campaign. immunization. “We are certainly working on it, but we have no sign that the vaccination campaign will stop in Australia,” Skerritt told Australian Broadcasting Corp. Australia began inoculating people with the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 7 and has nearly 54 million doses are insured for its population of 25 million. The country’s most populous state, New South Wales, has reported a new case of Covid-19 acquired locally in an overseas traveler who returned to quarantine in a hotel. A security guard from the same hotel contracted the virus earlier this week, ending the state’s zero case streak for nearly two months. Australia has reported zero or low single-digit daily cases for several weeks: since the start of the pandemic, it has recorded just over 29,100 cases and 909 deaths. Indeed, Australia has asked AstraZeneca and the European Union for emergency access to one million doses of the vaccine it has purchased to deliver them to neighboring Papua New Guinea, which has been hit by a wave of Covid-19 infections. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he wanted to use these doses, which Australia ordered and paid for itself, to help Papua New Guinea, located north of Australia. “We are making a formal request to AstraZeneca and the European authorities for access to one million doses of our order from AstraZeneca, not for Australia but for Papua New Guinea, a developing country in dire need. of these vaccines, ”Morrison told reporters in Canberra. “We signed a contract for these doses, we paid for them. And we want these vaccines to come here so we can support our neighbor.” The Australian move comes after Italy blocked the delivery of AstraZeneca vaccines produced on European soil and destined for Australia in early March, given the “persistent shortage of vaccines and delays in supply from AstraZeneca” to the EU and the ‘Italy. Brussels did not oppose Italy’s blockade and said other EU countries could do the same.

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Prince Charles against the no-vax

Prince Charles criticizes no-vaxes for coronavirus. In an article, the Future Healthcare Journal The heir to the throne – infected with Covid in a mild form – asked for an integrated approach to health care. Prince Charles and his wife Camilla received their first dose a few weeks after Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

USA: 54,873 new Covid-19 cases and 1,242 deaths in 24 hours

To date, there are 29,545,555 cases of Covid 19 in the United States and 536,826 deaths. These are the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University. In the last 24 hours, there have been 1,242 deaths and 54,873 new cases. California is now the most affected state by the pandemic with 56,727 deaths, followed by New York (49,110), Texas (46,651), Florida (32,449), Pennsylvania (24,660), New Jersey (23,966) and Illinois (23,236). Other states with large numbers of deaths are Georgia (18,287), Ohio (17,991), Michigan (16,805), Massachusetts (16,688) or Arizona (16,574). In terms of cases, California has 3,626,635; Texascon follows 2,737,571; the third is Florida with 1,984,425; New York is fourth with 1,755,193 and Illinois is fifth with 1,212,014. As for vaccines, approximately 72.1 million people (21.7% of the population) have received at least one dose, of which 39 million (11.8%) have already been fully immunized.

Trump, vaccine works and I would recommend it, but there is freedom

“It’s a great vaccine, a vaccine that works.” Donald Trump states this in an interview with Fox. To those who asked him if he would recommend the anti-Covid the former president replies: “I would recommend it to many people who do not want to do it and many of them voted for me. But there is freedom and we must respect it.” There is a lot of skepticism on the vaccine on the part of Republicans and from many quarters, including from the White House, an invitation to Trump has arrived in recent days to address his supporters and encourage them to get vaccinated.

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Argentina: 8,235 new cases of Covid, 202 deaths in 24 hours

There are 8,235 new cases of coronavirus in Argentina, which thus brings the overall total to 2,210,121 infections. The death toll rose to 54,036, after 202 deaths were confirmed in the past 24 hours. According to the daily report released by the Argentine Ministry of Health, 1,998,594 patients have already been discharged, while 3,469 people with a confirmed diagnosis of covid-19 remain in intensive care units. The occupancy rate of intensive care beds for all types of pathologies is 54.6% nationwide, but rises to 59.4% if we consider only Buenos Aires and its suburbs. So far, 8.08 million tests have been carried out in Argentina, including 49,875 yesterday. Argentina, with a population of approximately 45 million, began its covid-19 vaccination campaign in late December and has already received 4,050,540 doses of the covid-19 vaccine. According to official data, 2,619,159 doses were administered.

China: infections drop, 4 new cases of Covid-19

The National Health Commission has announced the detection of 4 new Covid-19 infections in China, all diagnosed in travelers from abroad. These cases have been detected in the metropolitan area of ​​Shanghai and in the provinces of Sichuan and Fujian. Thus, China continues its downward trend in terms of new infections: the Asian country has detected 13 cases on Monday, 5 on Sunday and 10 on Saturday. In addition, health authorities also reported the detection of 15 new asymptomatic infections (all from abroad), although Beijing does not include them as confirmed cases unless they show symptoms. The total number of such infections under observation is 270, all “imported”.

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