Home » Biomass scam in Belluno: entrepreneurs and professionals in trouble

Biomass scam in Belluno: entrepreneurs and professionals in trouble

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Biomass scam in Belluno: entrepreneurs and professionals in trouble

The forest police concluded an investigation into the contributions to two energy production plants: almost 30 thousand tons of biomass from different sources. The Court of Auditors investigates for tax damage. Four to judge

BELLUNO. Fraud and false ideology behind the transfer of biomass to two electricity production plants in the Belluno area: four were indicted after the investigation conducted by the Mel forestry police. These are two company owners, an employee and a professional, in competition. The investigation by the Carabinieri of the Carabinieri Forestale Station of Mel, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, revealed alleged irregularities relating to the two-year period 2014-2016 on some wooded lots in the provinces of Belluno and Vicenza. The forest police have ascertained that at two Belluno electricity production plants approximately 27,874 tons of biomass were delivered under a “short chain” system, which in reality had a different origin than that declared. In-depth documentary investigations made it possible to unmask false attestations aimed at perceiving the particular incentives that are envisaged for the conferment of “short chain biomass”, that is characterized by particularly limited movements from the forest to the power plant. It is assumed that the conferment of woody materials, declared to come from a specific lot, actually were in objectively higher quantities than those referable to that particular forest. Even the official of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, in charge of documentary checks in preparation for financing, was misled according to the carabinieri.

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According to the investigators, the approximately 27,874 tons controlled by the forest police, would have unduly earned the two Belluno companies (from the central final recipients of the product) respectively 6953 euros and 149,690.26 euros, as a surcharge for the delivery of wood material indicated as per “short supply chain” and then it turned out not to be such.

A “chain reaction” because, as a consequence of this scam, the Energy Services Manager in turn would have unduly provided incentives for the short chain for 723,478.08 euros to the power plants. An investigation is underway on this sum by the Court of Auditors for damage to the tax authorities, after reporting by the forest police themselves.

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