Home » Sun bath, the benefits of vitamin D for seniors

Sun bath, the benefits of vitamin D for seniors

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Sun bath, the benefits of vitamin D for seniors

Sunlight is a precious ally of well-being, one natural therapy and at no cost to fill up with a fundamental substance to stay healthy: the vitamin D. Indulge in a sunbath is the most effective strategy to assimilate it, avoiding developing deficits that can affect the salute especially if you are no longer very young.

Also called eliotherapysunbathing is nothing more than exposure to the sun’s rays on a regular basis but respecting some fundamental rules, necessary to take advantage of the benefits of the sun without encountering unpleasant consequences. In which situations is it necessary to expose yourself more to sunlight? What are the benefits of this healthy habit?

All the benefits of vitamin D

There is a close link between exposure to the sun and the production of vitamin D. The sun’s rays, in fact, have the power to activate this substance transforming it into its most precious form, vitamin D3 also called cholecalciferol.

As we age, it becomes more difficult for the human body to activate this important process and vitamin D deficiency is more frequent, also due to limited exposure to the sun. A deficit, however, which can cause a progressive weakening of the bone precisely because the absorption process of calcium and other minerals, such as phosphorus, is affected.

The list of vitamin D benefits extends into several areas:

  • the maintenance of ideal levels of calciumresulting in the strengthening of bones and joints;
  • the correct functioning of the immune system, but also of muscles and nerves;
  • the protection of various cognitive functions, necessary for brain health;
  • the treatment and prevention of some skin diseasessuch as psoriasis, relying on the advice and guidance of your doctor to reduce the severity of certain symptoms;
  • the psychic well-beingthanks to the ability to stimulate the production of serotonin which is also defined as the “happiness hormone”.
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Foods rich in vitamin D.

To supplement vitamin D it is also important to consume some details foods which are rich in it, like some fish, including the salmontuna and sardines, the latte and its derivatives, the egg and even the cacao. Even more useful, however, is taking a sun bath, albeit in moderation and avoiding causing damage to the skin.

Sun bath: how long should it last

The duration of the sun bath, aimed at absorbing vitamin D, must vary according to the season and of course to your own phototype. In general, it is essential to avoid exposing yourself to the sun in the central hours of the day during the hottest months.

Heliotherapy should last no less than fifteen or twenty minutes a day, taking care to expose the legs and arms to the sun, obviously if the season allows it. Use a protective cream with an ad hoc filter it is essential in summer, in order to avoid the development of erythema, burns and irritation.

During the winter months, or in all situations that make it difficult or impossible to go outdoors, it can also be useful to absorb sunlight through the window glass.

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