Home » During the war between Russia and Ukraine, the embassy changed its tune and called on the Chinese not to disclose their identities to stir up trouble |

During the war between Russia and Ukraine, the embassy changed its tune and called on the Chinese not to disclose their identities to stir up trouble |

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During the war between Russia and Ukraine, the embassy changed its tune and called on the Chinese not to disclose their identities to stir up trouble |

[Epoch Times, February 26, 2022](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Li Yun) On the first day of the exchange of fire between Russia and Ukraine, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine issued a statement, suggesting that local Chinese people stick the blood flag of the Chinese Communist Party on their bodies. 26 Japan changed its tune and called on the Chinese not to reveal their identities at will. The Chinese embassy went back on its word and sparked a backlash from netizens.

On February 26, the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine issued a notice saying that the current situation in Ukraine has deteriorated sharply, and Chinese citizens in Ukraine should not take pictures of the scene of the exchange of fire. Try not to go out, and don’t show your identity and display any identifying signs at will.

However, on the day Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th, the Chinese embassy issued a statement saying that the situation in Ukraine has deteriorated sharply.

The Chinese embassy’s backtracking caused dissatisfaction among mainland netizens. Some people asked: “Isn’t the hot search yesterday still that Chinese students can stick the national flag on the body?”

Chinese writer Fu Zhibin tweeted that the reason why the Chinese embassy has backtracked on the issue of evacuation is because the CCP has long known about Russia’s invasion plan and believes that the Russians will soon occupy Kiev. When they saw that the Russian army was blocked and the battle situation was not as good as expected, they changed their minds in a panic.

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Some netizens said, “Why don’t you let your identities be revealed? Some people who make stinky remarks have a bit of a clue…” “The official policy caliber has changed rapidly, indicating that the things we least want to see may have happened, and more than one time. , but we don’t know yet – I hope that our compatriots in Ukraine are safe and withdraw from Ukraine as soon as possible.”

The Chinese embassy’s backtracking seems to have something to do with the bad remarks of some Chinese netizens.

The mainland’s “WeChat 110” issued a proposal on the evening of the 25th, saying that some users posted bad information related to international hotspot events, such as publishing “Ukrainian beauties come to China” and other vulgar ridicule content, which had a great negative impact on the cyberspace, etc. WeChat The platform calls on netizens to reasonably participate in discussions and publish opinions.

Weibo administrators also issued a community announcement saying that they will deal with netizens’ remarks that have vulgar ridicule and advocacy of opposition, such as “the Russian-Ukrainian war is protracted, and Ukrainian beauties come to China”.

According to the announcement, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Weibo Community Convention”, the website will deal with 542 content such as malicious ridicule and advocacy of opposition, and 74 accounts will be deducted from credit history and banned for 30 days depending on the degree.

“Accepting Ukrainian beauties” may bring danger to international students

Chinese netizen “I0nGnnn” in Ukraine posted on Weibo on the 26th to call on compatriots to stop making fun of the war.

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She said, “I’m so angry that I’m about to cry. I beg everyone to stop, stop making fun of the war, stop being mean,… Don’t feel that this battle deserves to be fought and feel that this matter has nothing to do with you!! Now in the country” Words such as “accommodating Ukrainian beauties” have been widely reprinted by foreign media and Ukrainian media, which has led to anti-China sentiment among Ukrainians. The war is getting more and more fierce, and it is very likely that the air raid will evolve into a gunfight…

“Because of your casual jokes, international students can’t take refuge in bomb shelters with locals in large numbers, and now local residents can get guns for free, which means that they can shoot indiscriminately in the name of defending the country. I have to hide all my identity features, and I am afraid that the next person to be accidentally injured will be myself.”

The post finally said, “When you are lying comfortably at home, drinking milk tea, brushing Weibo and posting jokes, it is our compatriots who are far away on the battlefield who are paying for your actions!! Don’t send your compatriots to the fire pit anymore. pushed.”

(Screenshot of Weibo)

The post was reposted on Weibo, which attracted the attention of many netizens. Many female netizens criticized: some male netizens are “disgraceful”. The netizen “a cat in the middle of the night” posted a post on the 24th, asking Weibo to quickly delete the remarks about taking in Ukrainian beauties, and said it was disgusting.

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(Screenshot of Weibo)

The American media also criticized some netizens as “full of disgusting thoughts”.

The independent American news website (SupChina) reported on the 24th that Chinese social media has appeared in support of the war in the past two days, cheering for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. There are also many netizens who said: “I only care about Ukrainian beauties”, “It is recommended that the state approve a quota of 10,000 immigrants and accept unmarried girls in Ukraine.”

The report criticized some Chinese netizens as “full of disgusting thoughts” and made “absolutely the worst” remarks, and linked the remarks to the Xuzhou Chain Women incident, saying “in some parts of China, women are seen as tradable sex. commodity.”

Responsible editor: Sun Yun#

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