Home » 20 listed companies responded on the interactive platform today after the nickel futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange increased by the limit for 3 consecutive trading days_Sina Finance_Sina.com

20 listed companies responded on the interactive platform today after the nickel futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange increased by the limit for 3 consecutive trading days_Sina Finance_Sina.com

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20 listed companies responded on the interactive platform today after the nickel futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange increased by the limit for 3 consecutive trading days_Sina Finance_Sina.com

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Financial Associated Press, March 9, LME nickel rose by 250% in two trading days, and has now been suspended; nickel futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange have risen by the limit for three consecutive trading days, an increase of 43%. 20 A-share listed companies responded to the impact of rising nickel prices on the interactive platform today:Shengtun MiningSaid that the company did not participate in speculation in the copper-nickel futures market, and the current number of hedge positions is relatively small;Tunan SharesSaid that the company did not participate in futures speculative trading, and there was no risk of liquidation;Tianqi shares(Protection) said that if the nickel price continues to be high, it may bring about an increase in the company’s nickel product selling price and existing inventory income.

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