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Andrea Mattana Renon: “We need to change course”

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Andrea Mattana Renon: “We need to change course”

Andrea Mattana Renon is 33 years old, the youngest of the three mayoral candidates of Villanova. Always open to the social he has experimented with different forms of culture, from cooking to theater. Graduated from the linguistic high school with a scientific address, three years in the Seminar, he specializes in higher technician for catering and enhancement of territorial products and typical products. He worked at Ferrero in Alba and in 2012 he founded the cultural association Echi d ‘Infinito. He is also known for his great passion for Tiramisu. After having participated in international competitions, he is currently vice president of the Tiramisù Academy.

Why are you applying?

«It is a passion that I have cultivated since I was a child. At 12, I got up at half past six to watch teletext on channel 102 and find out what was going on. From there I began to weave a passion for politics ».

What do you save from the previous administration?

“Each mayor has his own vision and priority. Giordano was very good at dealing with the pandemic crisis, he had the weight of great responsibilities. But 10 years of the same administration are many, especially if they come from a continuity of another 10 (Peretti administration). It’s time for a change. We seek discontinuity.

What to change?

«The concept of tourism was missing and in general the tradition was distorted. It is necessary to reverse the course ».

What are the highlights of your list?

«The restyling of each event, taking from the past the things that worked and giving new life, but also creating them. A method called synergy. Initiatives together with schools, traders, sports associations. A more targeted look at young people and opening the Municipality for them by organizing targeted internships in the offices according to the school address. Inform citizens, for example on the choice of calls for tenders, on the continuation of the works ».

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Do you mean active citizenship?

“Yup. It can be done by creating control groups and institutionalizing them. Not just for safety, even for the little things. Not everything arrives immediately in the Town Hall, it is a pleasure that those who see a broken sidewalk can peacefully report it, feel authorized and happy to pick up the phone and inform, in this way they will be aware of doing something really useful for their country. I believe in active citizens not in keyboard lions. Writing on social networks runs the risk of misrepresenting things and damaging the country because we do not use institutional channels such as the Municipium app, which already exists, or others that we will create “.

A 5 year long dream …

«A living Villanova, not dead, recognized at the regional level as a strategic and cultural point. We are near Monferrato, Roero, Asti, Turin. Tourism and industry await us… We need a circuit to make Villanova known ».

Will yours be a political or a technical team? More men or more women?

“The list is ready. It is called Impronta Villanovese. Everyone has already given or wants to give a different imprint. It is the imprint that builds time. We have not looked for candidates. We were already a group. We have chosen people who have never been in Administration, but who are prepared, each for a sector, and above all have already dedicated time to the country and want to donate more. The list is 12 people, the group of many more, everyone will collaborate. They are almost all young, the longest lived 60 years. Gender equality respected “.

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What will the election campaign be like?

“The citizens already know us, they know who we are, what we have done, who our families are and what they have brought to the village. My grandfather Luigi was one of the founders of the Red Cross. My father, now retired, was in charge of the Foreigners Office in the police headquarters in Asti and by vocation, even after his leave, he directed many foreign families to enter legality with the National Association Oltre Le Frontiere (Anolf). For those who do not know us we will make ourselves known ».

Should he be elected, will he be full-time mayor or will he keep his profession?

«I am a wine entrepreneur, I have invested a lot in work. There will be room for everything ».

How do you imagine the Villanova of the future?

«A place where the citizens want to live Villanova, not just come to sleep. A dream is music. I attended my first concert in Villanova, it was the nineties. The singer was Ruggeri, he sang Mystery. I dream of that Villanova there that I can give to the new generations ».

Imagine what emotion the tricolor band could transmit to you?

“Yup. You will be the greatest of my life, especially for what my family has imparted to me ». –

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