Home » The shoulder injury Procacci chases away the troubles and gets back Vigevano

The shoulder injury Procacci chases away the troubles and gets back Vigevano

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The shoulder injury Procacci chases away the troubles and gets back Vigevano

The play-off, fresh from difficult months, is returning to top form «I want to give my best to the playoffs. It will be tough in Livorno “


From a few games he has returned to his best form, after a good two months in which he either did not train, or did it alone, missing more than one game. Alessandro Procacci, the 28-year-old play maker of Elachem Vigevano, has not had a lucky season so far, between Covid, a muscle problem in one leg and a blow to the shoulder.

But judging by his return performances (25 points against Cremona in the Italian Cup, just to give an example) he has a great desire to recover.

Pronto per i play off

«The hope – explains the player from Lazio – is to return to the returns I had before the injury. In short, at the standard of the beginning of the championship. Maybe even giving something more. Also because the playoffs are approaching, which represent the crucial moment of the season ».

Meanwhile, on Sunday there is Pielle Livorno, a team that Procacci knows very well, also because his basketball career began in Tuscany. «The Leghorn team – he warns – is different from the one against which we won in the first leg, also because on that occasion they lacked several players. In a certain sense this is normal, because we know very well that the teams we met in the first leg, in the second round, have generally improved and tougher. We know that our future opponents have valuable elements and that we are also disadvantaged by not playing at home ».

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Elachem, despite being at the top of the group A standings since the first day, often suffered against the Tuscan teams, which Procacci knows well. «Livorno is a stoic square for basketball, which has also known Serie A – he underlines – Like all Tuscans it is a team that plays physical basketball, like San Miniato, Empoli and Libertas Livorno, just as Lucca used to be. From a tactical point of view we pair well with them, but we must not forget that they have many talented players. They are a mix of young elements side by side with elements of experience and value like Iardella ». –

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