Home » The CCP’s zero-epidemic prevention has brought serious consequences to the protests in many places | CCP virus | Omicron | Zero measures Shenzhen

The CCP’s zero-epidemic prevention has brought serious consequences to the protests in many places | CCP virus | Omicron | Zero measures Shenzhen

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The CCP’s zero-epidemic prevention has brought serious consequences to the protests in many places | CCP virus | Omicron | Zero measures Shenzhen

[Epoch Times, March 25, 2022](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Li Linqing) Recently, the highly contagious CCP virus variant Omicron (Omicron) has caused a new round of epidemics in many parts of China, including Shanghai, Jilin and Shenzhen. And Sanhe City, Hebei and other places, as always, took strict zero-clearing measures, causing disaster to the people, and the news that people were starved to death spread, and people in many places protested.

This wave of epidemics is fierce and has been another peak since the outbreak in Wuhan two years ago. The National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China announced that there were 4,790 new local cases in the past day, including 1,301 confirmed cases and 3,489 asymptomatic infections. Jilin still has the most new cases. However, the CCP has always been questioned for concealing the epidemic.

The Wall Street Journal said that with the rapid rise in the number of infections in China, the Chinese authorities’ long-term zero-removal measures “started to bring serious adverse consequences.”

People in many places protested against official strict measures and some people starved to death during lockdown

Free Asia reported today (24th) that, according to a short video posted on social media on the 23rd, Chengzhong Village, Nantou Street, Shenzhen was sealed off for 23 days. Some people starved to death at No. 17 Siheng Lane, Guankou, in the village. When they were found, the body was already smelling. In the alleys around the incident site, there were no cases of infection at all. However, the official did not report it and insisted not to unblock it. Angry people gathered to protest and had serious clashes with epidemic prevention personnel.

Netizen “Rachel_G” posted a blog post a few days ago (23rd) saying that Xiangdong Village, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, has been banned from walking since March 18th. However, there are no reports that there are any confirmed cases in Xiangdong Village. Every time a villager asks the staff that no one in the village is infected with the virus and why the village is closed, the answer they get is “I don’t know” and “wait for notification”, and their attitude is particularly arrogant.

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Yesterday, several communities outside Xiangdong Village were unblocked, but the closure and control status of the village remained unchanged. On the morning of the same day, the villagers went to the epidemic prevention personnel again to discuss the explanation. They said that the epidemic prevention and control in the village is so strict, please give an explanation; if the epidemic situation in the village is not serious, please explain the reason for the strict prevention and control. The answer was that the anti-epidemic personnel scolded the villagers and asked the villagers to “go away!”.

According to a short video posted on the Internet, on March 22 and 23, in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, for two consecutive days, people gathered because they were dissatisfied with the long-term lockdown and the rudeness of the epidemic prevention personnel. They shouted “unblocking”.

Free Asia reported that there was also a phenomenon of residents collectively storming roadblocks in Shanghai.

People have been blocked for a long time, and people have jumped off the building.

According to the report, the netizen “Little Funny Demon” posted on the 23rd that Yanjiao Town, Sanhe City, Hebei Province, which is close to Beijing, has been closed for more than two weeks. She saw news that morning that someone in Yanjiao Town had jumped off the building. Someone can’t take it anymore. “Little Funny Demon” also wrote that it was preparing to do the 15th nucleic acid test that day.

According to a report by the “Sina Finance” news network on March 18, on the afternoon of March 10, Langfang, Hebei reported 2 new confirmed cases. At 6 p.m. that day, Langfang City strictly tightened the inspection and control policy of entering Beijing, “unnecessary not entering Beijing” and “commuters working from home”, and the authorities implemented control measures on all expressways in the city.

The CCP’s zero-clearing policy also makes it difficult for people to leave their homes and return home.

The door is welded to the iron plate, and it is difficult to get out of the door and go home

Free Asia reported that a short video posted by netizens on social platforms showed that Changchun City’s epidemic prevention personnel, in order to achieve the purpose of “grounding” the people, actually welded the gate of the residential building with iron plates.

In contrast to the people of Changchun who cannot go out, the people of Yanjiao Town have a hard time returning home.

Hong Kong 01 News Network previously reported that the netizen “Energy Girl YMC” posted a blog post on March 16 that she was trapped in Beijing at the junction of Beijing and Yanjiao at 2:23 a.m. – On Yanjiao Bridge. Several girls on the bridge had been trapped there for more than six hours.

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“Energy Girl YMC” returned to Yanjiao, Hebei Province from Beijing on the 16th. However, on the 14th, Yan Suburban has completely restricted access, so they are not allowed to enter. Although it is only two kilometers away from home, I cannot go home; nor can I go back to Beijing, because the Beijing health code “Jianjianbao” will remind people who may visit or pass through risk areas in the near future.

On the same day that Yanjiao stipulated comprehensive restrictions on entry and exit, the Beijing authorities emphasized at the epidemic prevention meeting that the management of returning to Beijing should be strictly implemented, and epidemic prevention policies such as restricting entry or returning to Beijing should be implemented for those who are infected.

“Energy Girl YMC” called the street office at 4:00 in the morning, but the other party did not intend to help solve the problem. She asked herself and the other girls if they could only spend the night on the bridge, to which they replied “no way”.

It is difficult for Beijingers to go home, and it is not easy to leave Beijing, and they even have to give up their desire to go home.

China Digital Times reported that on March 18, “pop-up windows” began to appear in the Beijing Health Treasures of all Yanjiao residents. Although Yanjiao is not a high-risk area, according to the Beijing-level big data dispatch, people who work in Beijing and live in Yanjiao are required to be isolated and tested for nucleic acid. Considering the cost of isolation and other factors, many Yanjiao people had to leave Beijing to go home.

At the Beijing checkpoint on the 18th, they waited in line for a long time to be checked against the wind and snow. A man who was waiting in line for inspection said most of them were wearing thin clothes because the weather was relatively warm when they left Yanjiao a week ago. There was a lady in very thin clothes who stood in line for an hour or two and was so cold that she had to give up and take a taxi back to Beijing.

In response to the various troubles caused by the reset to the public, netizens “Learn oil painting together” made it clear a few days ago, “If the (clearing) anti-epidemic campaign continues, I am afraid that it will be everyone’s turn to experience homelessness and homelessness. Return!”

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People lose jobs, common diseases go untreated

According to CCTV news, Beijing Municipal Government spokesman Xu Hejian said at a press conference on Thursday (24th) that the current situation of Beijing’s epidemic prevention and control is still severe and complicated. “Run ahead of the virus to block the chain of epidemic transmission at the fastest speed” and so on.

Free Asia reported that the CCP’s extreme measures of strict guarding failed to stop the chain of transmission of the epidemic, but it blocked the chain of job opportunities for the people. Netizen “Little Funny Demon” said on the 23rd that due to the strict closure and control, some companies in Beijing even suspended the recruitment of people living in Yanjiao Town, Dachang County, and Xianghe County (the three Beisan counties), worried that they would not be able to go to work due to the closure of the city.

She was also saddened by her mother’s inability to receive treatment because of the lockdown. She lamented that the sick mother around her should have gone to Beijing for treatment, but was confined at home.

A netizen whose account is Quaternary Glacier wrote that compared with Yanjiao people, he was happier, but because he suffered from myocardial infarction, “I can’t live without medicine every day, and I have been locked at home for 15 days.” Although the nucleic acid test results every day They are all negative and have always had a green code, but they are not allowed to go out to buy medicines, and no one delivers them on their behalf. His medicines have been out of stock for 3 days. “I am worried that the virus did not hurt me, and I died of anti-virus!”

Today (24th) Lu media “Cover News” reported that a 21-year-old girl studying in the UK was suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma cancer and returned to Shanghai to seek medical treatment.

Shanghai implements the “14 (hotel) plus 7 (home) quarantine policy. She once posted a blog post for help, expressing the hope that she could receive treatment during the isolation period. The Shanghai CDC said it would get in touch with her, and the staff said they would “report the situation” as soon as possible.

After the girl entered the isolation ward of Shanghai Pudong Hospital, the hospital was constrained by limited medical equipment and personnel, and was unable to carry out cancer treatment, so her condition continued to deteriorate. The hospital has issued a critical illness notice.

Responsible editor: Sun Yun#

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