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Dr. Di Bella: “I was suspended from the Order, I cannot update the therapies for patients”

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Dr. Di Bella: “I was suspended from the Order, I cannot update the therapies for patients”

We receive and publish from Dr. Giuseppe Di Bella.

For about a month, despite sending by PEC to the Medical Association of Bologna of the documentation, certifying according to law, that I had contracted COVID (passed in an almost asymptomatic form) and finished the ritual forty, with a negative swab, I was suspended from the Bologna order because I was not vaccinated. Although after Covid, a postponement of vaccination between 3 and 6 months is required by law.

Dr. Giuseppe Di Bella

I cannot follow patients who are already being treated

Therefore, even if I wanted to, I could not have vaccinated myself. A month later, despite PEC and repeated interventions by my lawyer, I have not been deigned to answer with serious discomfort of the many patients being treated which I cannot update the therapies and renew the recipes. I had to cancel a number of appointments, often urgent cases and many who had long ago booked the trip.

I would never have guessed in 57 years of medical profession that this degradation was reached, the total disregard of fundamental rights. And of medical ethics, of the dignity of the doctor, of constitutional norms, of scientific evidence. They are not even able to predict when, goodness they will lift the suspension. Some sinister conspiracy theorists could insinuate that the simplest and apparently legal way to bury the MDB has thus been achieved, as always in Italy amidst general indifference.

However, clinical trials are continuing

A retrospective observational clinical study on some cases of brain neoplasms of which the characteristics of high aggressiveness, chemo radio resistance, limited life expectancy are known, which in the great majority of glioblastomas fluctuates between 15 and 18 months.

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The publication process was slowed down by the need to investigate all the biomolecular mechanisms of action of new active ingredients recently included in the MDB. As aimed at containing proliferative indices, mutagenic pathway, mobility of cancer stem cells, now identified as responsible for the refractoriness of these neoplasms to classical oncological treatments, such as the Stupp Protocol. The search for a translation into flawless scientific English has also lengthened the publication time.

It is now evident that in the progression of these neoplasms the percentage of tumor cells progressively shifts from glioblastoma to tumor stem cells. One of the treated cases already had a survival far superior to the oncological medians. But for various reasons, including an untimely reduction in therapy, he missed a few months after the publication was completed.

Cura Di Bella, only verifiable cases

We have sent for publication only i “Verifiable cases”, according to the criteria that oncology requires for publication in biomedical databases. In summary, some considerations based on my father’s experience and over 20 years of mine.

The effectiveness of the MDB is directly proportional to the precocity of the treatment and the absence of chemo-radiotherapy. And to the constant, regular application of the treatment.

For the vitality of tumor and / or stem cells, always seriously underestimated, a therapeutic pressure must be maintained with absolute regularity and constancy. With prudent and gradual reduction only after a long period of absence of tumor. It is certainly easier to block a tumor and prevent it from repeating itself than to eradicate it when progression occurs.

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Cura Di Bella: the importance of constant and continuous therapy

In these conditions it can only be contained, slowed down, but it will always resume its course. The most painful cases for me as a doctor, including the case cited, are precisely those in which a cure is now looming, but for the reasons cited, there has been an unstoppable progression. This therapeutic concept is not limited to brain neoplasms, but is a general rule with no exceptions.

Experience teaches me that I should never tire of repeatedly insisting, clarifying with patients the imperative need to follow the aforementioned therapeutic process without shortcuts and self-management. In the recent interview with Radio Radio I briefly explained the documented progress in brain tumors with MDB, compared to official literature data, in terms of remissions, increased survival, improved quality of life.

The online newspaper “Il Secolo d’Italia” quoted the Radio Radio interview and published an article on the MDB clinical study.

Politics and Prof. Luigi Di Bella

I consider it appropriate to clarify with the utmost clarity that my father has never sought political endorsements or sponsorships. Quite simply, some policy areas have expressed interest or appreciation for the MDB. Others, the majority, especially at the government level, have always defamed, vilified, grossly misinforming scientific and clinical data. Recently a left-wing politician, Hon Bersani, citing the MDB spoke of “witchcraft”, while a well-known presenter, always left-wing, transcended live to gross and vulgar insults towards the memory, the person and the work, of the Prof. Luigi Di Bella.

We recently published the French edition “The antitumor choice”of the volume “The choice of cancer, prevention, drug therapy and lifestyle”, published in July 2019. In the next updated edition in English and Italian, I will insert tertiary prevention, aimed at increasing survival with a more acceptable quality of life, reducing mortality. and the incidence of relapses, and / or the onset of neoplasms different from the primitive ones.

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“The antitumor choice” by Dr. Giuseppe Di Bella

It is scientific evidence, as documented in the literature, that the components of the MDB extend their antitumor properties to immunomodulating, antiviral, anti-infective, antioxidant and trophic ones. The effect is enhanced by Lysozyme, Lactoferrin, Alfalactoalbumin, Beta glucans, glutathione, phosphoric esters of group B, immunoglobulins Resveratrol, Quercetin.

Of many other molecules, anti-infective and antiviral properties are documented in the literature, but having to avoid an overload of drugs, I have selected in this prevention module the most effective, synergistic and with the best profile between benefits and toxicity.

On the first page of the official website to the section “News and communications” available at this link you will find updated data on the antitumor, antiviral, anti-infective and immunomodulating interaction of the MDB components.

Thanks for your attention, Giuseppe Di Bella.

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