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Long Covid, a week of free visits in the Turin area

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Long Covid, a week of free visits in the Turin area

The second edition of CronOs, Chronicity and Osteopathy kicks off: from 18 to 24 April, on the occasion of the International Week of Osteopathy, 24 studios in Turin and 37 throughout Piedmont will open their doors for a free visit to patients with related symptoms to Long-Covid or whose chronicity has worsened following the restrictions for the pandemic.

Long Covid: what it is

Long-Covid refers to a clinical condition characterized by heterogeneous signs and symptoms that persist or develop four weeks after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clinical manifestations are highly variable and today there is no unanimous consensus on their characteristics. However, general manifestations can be distinguished such as:

  • asthenia;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgias;
  • general weakness.

Organ-specific manifestations can also be distinguished such as:

  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • reflux.

“In addition, the regulations promoted to contain the pandemic have also had very important consequences on the health of patients,” said Paola Sciomachen, President of ROI. “The suspension of the usual health checks, stress, the maintenance of incorrect postures during smart working and the interruption of physical activity are just some of the causes that have affected our lifestyle and that may have originated or worsened disorders chronic diseases that osteopathy can help treat ā€added Paola Sciomachen.

There are over 24 million Italians currently living with chronic diseases and the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that over 80% of public spending on health is directed to the care and management of the chronic patient.

ā€œAmong the health interventions aimed at the treatment and care of chronic patients, osteopathy plays an increasingly important role, integrating fully into the National Health System. In the National Chronicity Plan, the Ministry of Health underlines that in the treatment of multiple pathologies, collaboration between different health professionals and the management of the patient as a whole is important. With the CronOs project, the ROI wants to provide a concrete answer in this sense and underline its role as a leading player in the field of Italian healthcare. ” explained Paola Sciomachen.

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Long Covid: what to do to heal

According to an epidemiological study carried out in 2019 by Lattanzio Monitoring & Evaluation for ROI and conducted on a sample of 770 osteopaths, the first three clinical needs reported by patients who turn to osteopathy are a better coexistence with chronicity (77% of the sample ), practical suggestions for managing the disease (50%) and the need for care (48%).

Therapeutic continuity and patient satisfaction are primarily attributable to the benefits of the treatment (for 91% of the interviewees), the establishment of a relationship of trust (67%) and the harmony between osteopath and patient (49%).

The project, promoted by the ROI – Registry of Osteopaths of Italy, aims to inform citizens about the support that osteopathy can offer to patients with chronic disorders and to boost scientific research in this specific field of health.

You can book your visit on the cronos.roi.it website. Patients will be able to identify the osteopath participating in the initiative closest to them through the interactive map available here. Once the choice has been made, patients can contact the osteopath directly to arrange a free visit by calling the
number shown in its file.

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