Home » SAIC Motor conducts stress test: find the current industry chain shortcomings and prepare for resumption of work and production_Car Channel_China Youth Network

SAIC Motor conducts stress test: find the current industry chain shortcomings and prepare for resumption of work and production_Car Channel_China Youth Network

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  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) SAIC Motor Launches Stress Test: Find the Shortcomings of the Current Industry Chain to Prepare for Resumption of Work and Production

China News Agency, Shanghai, April 23 (Reporter Li Chun) Ji Qiwei, deputy general manager of SAIC Passenger Vehicle Company, said at the SAIC Lingang Plant in Shanghai Pudong New Area on the 23rd that the company has now started a stress test to prepare for the resumption of work. Get ready for rebirth. Such an attempt is very beneficial, “because everyone still has such an expectation for a normal life and normal work.”

SAIC Motor, SAIC Volkswagen, SAIC GM and other vehicle, parts and logistics enterprises under the SAIC Group, aiming at personnel guarantee, supply chain guarantee, logistics guarantee, closed production management, epidemic prevention measures, etc., started work resumption on April 18 Reproduction stress test. On the 19th, the first complete vehicle of the Lingang Passenger Vehicle Factory under the pressure test rolled off the assembly line. So far, more than 700 complete vehicles have been rolled off the assembly line.

A reporter from China News Agency saw in the factory workshop that the car production line continued to operate, workers installed doors for the body, and the completed vehicle was undergoing adjustment tests such as lighting and rain. Chen Peifeng, director of SAIC’s Lingang OEM, said that under full load, the workshop can produce more than 900 vehicles a day.

He said the company is still facing supply chain issues. According to the current logistics situation of the supply chain, the Lingang factory has also made timely adjustments to the production plan.

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Ji Qiwei said that SAIC Motor’s daily production is double-shift operation, and the current productivity is maintained at about 50% of a single shift. The rhythm of the entire supply chain and the overall situation of resumption of work need to be further improved. The automotive industry has a long supply chain with thousands of suppliers. It is for this reason that enterprises need to conduct stress tests, and gradually increase production capacity by pulling the entire industry chain to understand the current strengths and weaknesses.

He also mentioned that the current difficulty encountered by the company in resuming work and production lies in materials. The entire supply chain is uneven, and the environment and employee status of suppliers in various regions are different, and the strengths and weaknesses also appear. “This is exactly the point of our stress test. Now everyone stops all of a sudden. It’s impossible to walk in unison at the whistle. We have to pass the stress test to see where the shortcomings are and how to improve.”

Huang Jianying, Secretary of the Party Committee of SAIC Passenger Vehicle Company, also pointed out that in terms of supply chain and logistics guarantees that are facing challenges in resuming work and production, the company has conducted a comprehensive survey of suppliers’ capacity, inventory and raw materials. At the same time, it is also paying close attention to the personnel dynamics and production situation of lower-level suppliers, and assisting and supporting lower-level suppliers as much as possible in accelerating process advancement and epidemic prevention and resumption of production. SAIC Motor is also connecting with government departments, striving to open green passages across provinces and cities as soon as possible.

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There is still some distance between the current stress test and the full resumption of work and production. In Ji Qiwei’s view, “this must be a process”. Each region and each company encounters different situations and faces many difficulties. It does take a while to return to normal as soon as possible. From the current point of view, it is very beneficial to conduct a stress test, “because everyone still has such expectations for normal life and normal work.” (Finish)

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