Home » The Superintendency rejects the Vallazza electrical substation

The Superintendency rejects the Vallazza electrical substation

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The Superintendency rejects the Vallazza electrical substation

Stop the E-distribution project to avoid blackouts in the area. The institution requires a thorough revision of the plan to make it suitable for the landscape

LIVINALLONGO. The Superintendency rejects the project of the new primary cabin in Vallazza, along the Cordevole, presented by E-Distribuzione to protect the area from blackouts: “The system does not relate to the protected landscape context”.

The negative opinion of the Archaeological Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscape came after the conference of services still convened on February 28 in a simplified and asynchronous form, i.e. without a real meeting between the parties but only with the sending of the documentation by the various bodies . The deadline for replies was set for 29 April. Date by which all entities have sent their positive opinion, without making any relevance to the project proposal presented by E-Distribuzione. All except the Superintendency.

The land on which the cabin will be built is located in an area subject to restriction and therefore the opinion of the Superintendency is also binding. Hence the temporary stop to the process.

“The project”, the technicians write, “does not in any way take into account the relations that the new plant has with the protected landscape context, operating a combination of standard modules that in no way manage to relate to the characteristics and peculiarities of the landscape surrounding”.

What does not convince the Superintendency is first of all “the strong morphological change envisaged to obtain a rectangular square that defies the perceptual structure of the context characterized by the alternation of strong wooded masses with grassy elements on the slope that run along the stream, introducing a an element that in terms of shape and size is detached from the context. In the same way, the construction of a standard fence, with a wall in reinforced concrete and green metal mesh, without any mitigation, are all elements that on the whole are perceptually relevant and disqualify the landscape in which they are placed “.

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Strong criticism also for the structure of the cabin itself which «with its elongated shape and considerable dimensions, as well as the use of materials, cannot fit in coherently with the landscape».

The Superintendency therefore asks for “a profound revision of the project, capable of analyzing the landscape components and effectively mitigating the technological equipment, avoiding as much as possible significant earth movements”.

The project, costing 5 million euros, was greeted with enthusiasm and favor by the mayor of Livinallongo Leandro Grones who defined it as “fundamental for the community, as it will enhance the service and its quality”.

The new substation will be used to transform the electricity from the large Saviner – Corvara high voltage line that crosses the entire valley. “In this way,” the mayor said again, “in the event of a fault with the lines, we will avoid the blackouts of the past and we will have guaranteed current”.

A security that, after the stop imposed by the Superintendency, will be postponed.

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