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Viganò, and the Attempt of World Health Dictatorship through the WHO. : STILUM CURIAE

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Viganò, and the Attempt of World Health Dictatorship through the WHO.  : STILUM CURIAE

21 Maggio 2022

Published by Marco Tosatti

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this declaration from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Enjoy the reading.


about the transfer of sovereignty to the WHO

for the management of health emergencies

Nand the next few days the states adhering to the World Health Organization will vote on the resolutions relating to the management of pandemics by the WHO, with which the sovereignty relating to the health of citizens is transferred to a supranational body, financed largely by industry pharmaceutical and from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are passed by a majority, WHO will have the authority to exclusively impose all rules in the event of a pandemic, including quarantines, lockdown, mandatory vaccinations and vaccination passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity and its members cannot be tried or convicted in case of crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than citizens give their representatives with a democratic vote.

Given that the transfer of sovereignty configures the crime of high treason in all national legislations, and that Parliaments cannot legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural freedoms and fundamental rights of their citizens, I believe that no one can escape that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that belongs to individual states serves to prevent any form of opposition toAgenda 2030which in the health sector also substantially aims at the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of health systems and the prevention of diseases through vaccines.

The psychopandemic has shown the enslavement of rulers, politics, media, magistrates, the entire medical class and the Holy See itself to dictation of a group of officials of a supranational body in clear conflict of interest. The disastrous adverse effects of experimental serum mRNA are only now being recognized, while there are many who rightly expect those responsible for these decisions to be held accountable before an independent court.

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It therefore sounds absurd to say the least that we want to give the WHO binding decision-making powers right now, when in the management of the recent pandemic emergency and the mass vaccination campaign there have been the greatest adverse effects in terms of permanent damage to patients and deaths. To the impunity of crimes committed in the silence of the media mainstream in addition, there is total discretion on upcoming emergencies, largely planned by the pharmaceutical lobby. The marginalization of health personnel who appeal to the Hippocratic Oath risks becoming the norm to eliminate all voices of dissent.

In this regard, it is significant that the nations that oppose the New World Order – such as Russia and Brazil – are aware of the very serious consequences that the eventual ratification of the resolutions will entail, and that for this reason they are against their approval. Even President Trump, during his mandate, wanted to send an unequivocal signal by cutting the funds of the American treasury to the WHO bureaucrats: also for this reason the deep state prevented his re-election in the last presidential elections, supporting a compromised and corrupt character, whose son Hunter is involved in financing American biolabs in Ukraine.

I therefore express my full support to the citizens, and especially to the scientists, doctors and legal experts who denounce this threat to the national sovereignty of the adhering countries, and who ask that light be shed on past events and on the consequences that the decisions of the WHO they have caused the health of the world population. I urge the heads of state and government, who will be called to express themselves on the ratification of these resolutions, to reject them and reject them, as they are contrary to the common good and aimed at carrying out that global coup d’etat that the UN and the WEF have planned for years under the name of Agenda 2030 o di Great Reset. Global health governance, as highlighted by highly authoritative experts who are not compromised with the system, represents one of the fundamental elements of the NWO, and as such must be rejected and fought. The logic of control, profit and mass pathologization must be replaced by public health that has as its primary purpose the health of citizens and the protection of their inalienable rights.

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The Holy See – which has been a Permanent Observer to the United Nations and for a year also to the WHO – has the duty to reaffirm the right of individuals to the freedom to accept or refuse medical treatment, especially in the face of the concrete danger of adverse effects, in particular still unknown part of this experimental gene therapy. And if so far Bergoglio and his cabal have indulged the delusions of Gates, Schwab and Soros, the time has come for the Catholic Church to take the defense of the weakest, the defenseless unborn, children and the elderly, as well as those who have been blackmailed by the cynicism of businessmen and conspirators, to force them to inoculate a serum contaminated by abortive fetal cell lines. The silence of the Vatican, after hasty and shameful pronouncements at the beginning of the pandemic endorsement at BigPharma, they will be charged with the condemnation of the Roman Sanhedrin, complicit in a crime against God and against man. Never in the course of history had the Hierarchy come to prostitute itself to temporal power in such a servile and abject way. Let us pray that some bishops will find the courage to distance themselves from Bergoglio’s collaborationist line and know how to find the words to open the eyes of the good so far deceived by globalist propaganda.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

21 Maggio 2022





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