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A “pay per use” insurance for all trips: by car, scooter, bike and taxi

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A “pay per use” insurance for all trips: by car, scooter, bike and taxi

There are none so special in circulation. The idea of 6securee is to cover with one insurance micro-policy every transfer of one’s daily life. With your own car or taxi, of course, but especially when getting on a scooter or a rental bike. Situations in which, if it is true that civil liability is covered by the policies of the platform responsible for the rental, it is equally true that, for damage to oneself or to other passengers, nobody pays. And often there is also a deductible to cover for possibly causing an accident.

For this reason 6sicuro.it, the first online car and motorcycle insurance comparator in Italy and a brand of the Assiteca Group, has launched an application that offers theinstant accident insurance for driver and passenger (medical expenses, hospitalization, permanent disability and death benefit up to 250 thousand euros) linked to circulation on any private vehicle, including taxis, car sharing and micro-mobility. The vehicle does not matter: the point is that, therefore, you are insured only for that specific transfer and for the kilometers actually traveled.


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The service is native to smartphones (for Android and iOS operating systems) and the coverage is activated based on actual movements, allowing an authentic system “pay per use“. With the app you can plan itineraries in advance and consult the movements. But the most interesting element is the ability to automatically recognize, thanks to a specific algorithm, the vehicle used and instantly activate the coverage that it ends automatically when you get off the vehicle. Most of these steps take place automatically thanks to the GPS, the other sensors of the smartphone and obviously the algorithms with which the app, developed by Datafolio.

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A tailor-made micropoly

The mini-policy that you pay for, therefore, is completely sewn to measure of the course that will be covered and on the various variables taken into consideration: the kilometers actually accumulated, the time slot, the road conditions, the presence of traffic and the driving style adopted by those who signed it or by those behind the wheel or handlebars . “Thanks to the various subscription plans, occasional, subscription or rechargeable, and the possibility to choose the means of mobility, the service is flexible e highly customizable – explains Andrea Altichierimarketing director 6sicuro.it – ​​unlike other solutions on the market, the coverage can be activated or deactivated according to the needs of each person, with the only condition that you have your mobile phone with you when traveling. In this way, the user does not pay for coverage that he does not use “.

The other offers on the instant insurance market

Le instant insurance they are certainly not new, there are numerous services that allow you to purchase policies limited in time or activities, in a few minutes and at low costs. An example is Yolo, the result of an agreement between various banking and financial partners. For micromobility offers the product My Mobility which however starts from a minimum period of one day. In short, it is not possible to ensure, for example, a ten-minute journey. Other fintech platforms, from N26 a Revolut, on the other hand, offer insurance coverage included in their subscription plans and which cover medical expenses, delayed luggage or flights, theft and loss of electronic devices and also for car rental. N26, for example, covers up to 20 thousand euros in the event of an accident or theft abroad with a rental car or other means of shared mobility. However, these platforms always provide that the covered transaction is carried out with one’s own account or using a connected card: rather than insuring the user, in short, they ensure the finalized transactions with their own tools.

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The partnership of Sella Bank always with Yolo, for the launch of digital insurance micro-policies that can be activated on demand, to be subscribed instantly via smartphone. Solutions created in collaboration with Genertel also in this case for various aspects such as leisure, sport, travel and holidays. Temporary coverage ranges from one to a maximum of 30 days.

“Attention to customer needs, reliability and transparency: these are the values ​​in which we believe and which we carry forward – he concludes Sylvain Querne, general manager of 6sicuro.it – ​​today we represent for people the ideal tool for comparing and purchasing insurance policies in various fields, combining the capabilities and potential of the digital tool with the professional competence of the largest Italian group in brokerage insurance. And the more than 400,000 people who have used our services in the last year prove it ”.

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