Home » Taiwan adds 63,221 new confirmed cases of new crown, 168 new deaths – yqqlm

Taiwan adds 63,221 new confirmed cases of new crown, 168 new deaths – yqqlm

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Taiwan adds 63,221 new confirmed cases of new crown, 168 new deaths

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-06-16 19:37

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, June 16. The Taiwan Epidemic Command Center announced on the 16th that there were 63,221 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, including 63,170 local cases and 51 imported cases.

The command center stated that the new local cases were 29,845 males, 33,301 females, and 24 under investigation, ranging in age from under 5 years old to over 90 years old. In the distribution of local cases, Taichung City has the largest number of 9523 cases.

The command center said that there were 168 new deaths from local cases today, including 93 males and 75 females, aged in their 10s to 90s, all of them were severe infections, 159 had chronic medical history, and 113 had not been vaccinated. 3 doses of the new crown vaccine.

Statistics show that as of now, there have been 3,135,565 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Taiwan, including 3,121,900 local cases.

Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Reporter Yue Xitong Qi Xianghui Editor: Li Jiayang
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