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To get immediate relief and disinfect the urinary tract this could be an effective shock therapy, if we avoid some fruits.

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To get immediate relief and disinfect the urinary tract this could be an effective shock therapy, if we avoid some fruits.

Inflammation of the urinary tract is a pathology that affects 10% of women of all ages every year. The position of the urethra makes it exposed to attack by bacteria and germs that give rise to inflammation that makes urination painful. If the bacterium is in circulation, it is necessary to resort to pharmacological treatments. If we have had episodes in the past and the critical period is approaching, we could try to prevent the problem with very useful remedies.

Often the critical period is summer. This is because in the hot season sweating increases and high temperatures make the urine more concentrated. If we fail to drink enough and distribute the assimilation and loss of fluids correctly throughout the day, danger could arise. In the summer we sweat more and wearing clothes and undergarments hinders perspiration making infections more frequent.

The red color

To get immediate relief it would be necessary to resort to some effective remedies. However, we must remember that to best prevent this problem we should hydrate and acidify the body in the correct way. Moisturizing would also help eliminate bacteria through intestinal motility. Acidifying, on the other hand, would mean decreasing the pH of the urine, which makes it more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract.

Therefore, we should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, consume fruit and vegetables of various colors according to the season, consume fresh fish and fermented milk. Among the red fruits, the American blueberry would have a particular effectiveness, which contains citric acid, polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidants. It would be a real shock therapy against this type of infections because it would prevent bacteria from proliferating on the walls of the bladder. Cranberry would also be a great disinfectant.

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To get immediate relief and disinfect the urinary tract this could be an effective shock therapy, if we avoid some fruits

The recommended doses would be 50 ml if we take it through juice or 1000 mg per day with dry extract. However, we should be careful if we suffer from kidney stones, because these doses could affect their formation precisely due to the calcium oxalate contained.

In addition to the consumption of cranberry, we should remember to avoid, instead, the consumption of certain fruits that could weaken the defenses of the urinary tract. Oranges, for example, would be discouraged because the presence of citric and ascorbic acid could worsen symptoms. Citrus fruits in general and strawberry juice, even if they contain vitamin C, may irritate the lining of the bladder rather than decrease the pH of the urine.

Much discussed is grapefruit, which despite being a citrus fruit, has seeds that would be beneficial for this type of infection. It could be consumed through drops or with the preparation of herbal teas. However, it is necessary that the doctor tells us the correct amount to take.

Recommended reading

For inflammation of the urinary tract, this natural antibiotic is an excellent disinfectant and goes well with herbal teas and bicarbonate.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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