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it could lead to health problems

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it could lead to health problems

Vegan cheese is a widely consumed food. Be careful, however, because this could lead to some health problems. The details.

Vegan products have increasingly taken hold. The kitchen is now made up of many aspects. That tradition still exists but there is also a vegan and vegetarian one. The latter two, however, have become increasingly important. Many products that allow you to avoid certain foods, even some have cons. As in the case of the vegan cheese.

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As we can imagine, vegan cheese differs from the traditional one. Although the producers go to great lengths to replicate the flavor, this work is very complex. But, the main problem is that according to one expert such a product is the cause of some health problems. This is because there would be one inside poor nutritional value.

The discussions about what is good and what is bad in the kitchen are now centuries old. For what concern Traditional cheese there are some truths and some myths. Even today, many are wondering if this makes you fat. For this reason, in some cases, the choice is directed towards a vegan cheese. Apparently, according to the nutritionist Richard Hoffmanthis would be an unhealthy food.

Does vegan cheese cause health problems? The answer is surprising

There are now many alternatives in kitchen. Among these is the vegan cheese which is widely used. As reported by nutritionist Richard Hoffman on the pages of Daily Mail, these alternatives are often made with vegetable oils that are high in saturated fat and bad cholesterol. Also, foods with a total absence of vitamins or minerals. These products, therefore, would increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems like some weakness of the bones.

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The nutritionist points out that many think the vegan substitute has the same nutrient as cheese made with milk. But this is not the case because producers focus on making vegan cheese as if it were the traditional one. For this reason, in vegan cheese, Hoffman reveals, we find coconut oil e Palm oil which have a low nutritional value.

But that’s not all because, according to the nutritionist, the action of the intestine would be to break down starch into sugar. Which would lead not only to weight gain but also to type 2 diabetes. Vegetable oils have an even more negative effect. This is because, despite claiming that coconut is healthy, it is in the presence of a product with almost all saturated fat. The main one is lauric acid which leads to the increase of the so-called bad cholesterol.

For this reason, the nutritionist recommends i producers to add nutrients for their customers. Factors that would allow you to have benefits from taking this product. Also because a study conducted by the University of Helsinki speaks for itself.

The study on the vegan solution

Researchers from the University of Helsinki conducted a 12-week study. At the center of the research were 136 volunteers. They were subjected to three diets, with different amounts of vegetable proteins. As a result, those who replaced dairy products with vegan products saw bone health deteriorate.

For Hoffman this result is due to the fact that there has been a poor recruitment of vitamin D e soccer. Even if to confirm this thesis there is still a need for some other study on the matter. Finally, the nutritionist advises vegans to check out very elaborate alternatives.

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The information in this article is for informational purposes. They must not in any way replace the consultation by experts or specialists. Furthermore, they must not affect diagnosis or other types of responses.

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