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Camilla’s disease not indicated on the card for the vaccinator – breaking latest news

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She was not worried, friends say, and what her parents also reported. And then you can go back to May 25, when Camilla Canepa, 18, queues up with other guys at the entrance to the old municipal offices of Sestri Levante, with an ocher facade and brick decorations, a few hundred meters from her house. He is holding a sheet of paper: the anamnestic form, which will be a decisive step in the investigation of his death. The girl delivers the questionnaire in which you have to declare your state of health, and which is evaluated by the doctor before the vaccine against Covid-19, in this case AstraZeneca.

The illness

The girl has an autoimmune disease that implies a low level of platelets in the blood, with certainty a risk factor to be taken into account before vaccination. The thrombocytopenia (name of the pathology) in the anamnestic form of Camilla, recovered yesterday by the Nas carabinieri, not indicated. been omitted? Or was the girl unaware of it? Perhaps the most critical element in this story goes beyond these questions: the other event that may have played an even more serious role in the chain of interactions that led to death occurs four days later. Camilla, athletic girl, volleyball player, solar, engaged in preparing for the final exams, for some time has also had another small medical problem, a cyst. It could be cured in a few months, but instead on May 29 the girl begins therapy with two drugs: Progynova (hormones) and Dufaston (estrogens). Both medicines, explains a health source very close to the story, involve a thrombotic risk, the possibility of a thrombus entering the circulation: which will then be the cause of Camilla’s death, two days ago, June 10, 16 days after the Open day for the vaccine.

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The investigation

The investigation of the Public Prosecutor of Genoa, coordinated by the prosecutor Francesco Pinto will try to understand what it was the causal link in this sequence of interactions: previous blood disease, vaccine, subsequent intake of high-risk drugs (a framework in which the role of individual doctors will also be defined, including that of the professional who prescribed medicines to the girl before vaccination). A couple of days after taking those drugs, Camilla begins to feel sick. A severe headache. The strong light bothers her eyes. On June 3 he goes to the emergency room, in Lavagna. They do blood tests and a CT scan. At that point the doctors, according to what emerges from the first tests, have a picture defined in the basic elements: Camilla got the vaccine, she has that disease, she took those medicines. They keep her for a whole night under observation. They discharged her on June 4, after remission of symptoms. The next day she gets worse again and at 11.58 pm on 5 June she goes to the emergency room, taken by an ambulance, to the San Martino polyclinic in Genoa. At that point, she has a blood clot blocking a vein. The primaries are back. First emergency intervention, very complicated, successful. The obstruction is removed. But then the neurosurgeons have to try to manage the brain hemorrhage. More hours in the operating room. Intensive care. Days of waiting. We have done the impossible. The girl’s parents, Roberto and Barbara, with the other daughter Beatrice, are hosted in the hospital, assisted by psychologists requested by the director Salvatore Giuffrida when the clinical picture becomes darker. Dramatic hours: June 8, another woman arrives from Savona, 34, symptoms similar to those of Camilla, recently vaccinated with AstraZeneca. The negative angiotac, the girl speaks and moves, apparently calm, but the San Martino is a neuroscience research hospital and the doctors notice something that does not convince them in the blood tests. They hospitalize the woman in intensive care, 4 and a half hours later she also has a thrombus. She is operated on urgently and today she is breathing independently. save (with all the necessary precautions). They are two very close stories, which intersect: intervention times and the excellence of a hospital make the difference. The woman who came later in life; Camilla didn’t make it. His organs saved other people. We agreed to the donation because what she wanted, the parents said.

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June 12, 2021 (change June 12, 2021 | 07:01)

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