Home » From Monday 2 out of 3 Italians in the white zone: from weddings to beaches, what can be done

From Monday 2 out of 3 Italians in the white zone: from weddings to beaches, what can be done

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Is it possible to have live music?

Yes, but if there is live music at the refreshments, the groups must be at least three meters away from the audience, if there are no droplet barriers near the microphone. Participants will be able to dance, but only outside and everyone must have at least 1.2 square meters available. Indoor events are only possible if you are in a white area: in this case each guest must have 2 square meters available. And the air exchange inside the room must be enhanced.


Is there an obligation to wear a mask in the white area?

Yes, even in the white area, in some cases, the obligation to use the mask remains. For example outdoors when you can’t keep your distance and when you are indoors in places other than your home.

Who never has the obligation to wear the mask in the white area?

Children under the age of six, people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask and those who assist a person exempt from the obligation are not obliged to wear masks. Also exempt is anyone who, for example, has to communicate in sign language with a deaf person. It is not mandatory to wear a mask, both outdoors and indoors, while doing sports, while eating or drinking, in the places and times in which it is allowed; when you are alone or exclusively with your cohabitants. As regards the performance of work and school activities, the mask is mandatory in the situations provided for by the specific sector protocols. Palazzo Chigi recommends the use of masks even inside private homes, in the presence of non-cohabiting people.

Is it mandatory to use a specific type of mask?

No. There is an obligation to always have respiratory protection devices with you and to wear them in the foreseen situations. Palazzo Chigi explained that “community” masks, disposable, washable, possibly self-produced, can also be used, as long as they are in multilayer materials suitable for providing an adequate barrier and, at the same time, guaranteeing comfort and breathability, shape and adherence adequate to cover the face, from the chin to above the nose.

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Are the amusement parks open?

Yes, theme and amusement parks can be open in the white area. In the yellow zone, on the other hand, they will reopen on June 15th.


Are there time limits for restaurants, pizzerias, pastry shops and other catering businesses?

In the white area, restaurants, pizzerias, pastry shops and other catering businesses no longer have time limits.

Are take-out and home delivery allowed?

The sale with take-away of food and drinks and home delivery are allowed without restrictions. They take place in compliance with the regulations on packaging and delivery of products.


Is it possible to go skiing in the white zone?

Yes, the lifts of the ski areas reopened from May 22, 2021, also in the yellow zone, in compliance with the guidelines adopted.


What are the rules to be respected on the beach?

From the spacing to the beach steward, from the sanitation of cabin and sunbeds to the extension of the shaded areas, up to 10 square meters for each umbrella, on the beach there are a series of rules to be respected. Each establishment must define the maximum number of simultaneous presences in relation to the volumes of space, the air changes and the possibility of creating aggregations throughout the entry, presence and exit path ». Hand sanitizing products must be available for customers and staff, also placed in several points of the plant ». It is necessary to keep the attendance list for a period of 14 days.

Should the attendance list in the bathing establishment be kept?

Yes, it must be kept for 14 days.


Are there any limits to travel in the white zone?

In the white area you can move freely to other areas in the white area without time limits or related to the reasons for the move. No limit to travel throughout the national territory, if it occurs for proven work needs, situations of necessity or health reasons. You can move to places in the yellow zone, without having to justify the reason, in compliance with the specific time restrictions for travel in the yellow zone and those relating to travel to other inhabited private homes. Those in possession of the green pass can travel throughout the national territory, in compliance with the specific time restrictions set for travel in the destination area. Return to one’s residence, domicile or home is always permitted.

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Is it possible to go to second homes?

The legislation provides that it is always possible to return to your second home, if located in the white or yellow area. From the white and yellow zones you can return to your second home located in the orange or red zone, if you can prove that you have actually been entitled to go to the same property before January 14, 2021. If the title was purchased later, it will be possible reach it, in the orange or red areas, if you have a green pass. In any case, the destination property must be uninhabited and only people belonging to the same cohabiting family can move there.

Is it allowed to visit relatives or friends?

Those who are in the white zone are allowed to visit relatives or friends, remaining within the same zone, without time limits or in the number of people who move. Visits to friends or relatives are also allowed, from 5 to 24, to a maximum of 4 people, who can bring with them minor children (or other children under 18 over whom they exercise parental responsibility) and people with disabilities or non self-sufficient living together in all the localities of the yellow zone. Visits to friends or relatives during the same day in other areas must in any case be concluded by returning to one’s residence, domicile or home by midnight. Regardless of the destination, the contagion prevention rules relating to the use of public and private means of transport.

Can I go to care for a dependent relative or friend?

Yes, it is a condition of necessity and therefore there are no hourly limits. Palazzo Chigi points out that in the case of elderly people or people already suffering from other diseases, it is necessary to remember that they are the most vulnerable categories and should be protected from contact as much as possible.

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Can anyone who is subjected to quarantine or isolation measures be moved?

No, there is an “absolute ban” to leave the house for those subjected to the measure of isolation, having tested positive for the virus, or the precautionary quarantine if it has been identified as a close contact in a Covid-19 case. In the latter case, it is allowed to go out, using a private vehicle, exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the diagnostic tests prescribed by the doctor, avoiding contact with other people and scrupulously observing all the precautionary measures, including the obligation to wear a mask.

Are there any travel restrictions for those with a fever over 37.5?

Yes, those who have symptoms of respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5 ° C) must contact their doctor and stay at their home, avoiding social contacts and also limiting as much as possible those with their cohabitants.


How is the entry of a region in the white zone established?

The regions that are located in a type 1 scenario and with a low risk level enter the white zone, where there is a weekly incidence of infections, for three consecutive weeks, of less than 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

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