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Armondi and Rossi, first grafts for the new Florens

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Armondi and Rossi, first grafts for the new Florens

Elisa resumes with the ducal team the relationship interrupted two years ago, Lucrezia from Vigevano grew up in the Gifra nursery


It was immediately understood that Florens Vigevano, returned after two sabbatical and pandemic years in women’s B2 volleyball by acquiring the sports rights of Porto Mantovano, would be serious. The most obvious clues had been two great returns, that of ds Fabio Ricci and coach Stefano Colombo who, for the Florens bench, renounced the extension at the helm of Biella in the B1 series. Now there are also the first shots for the construction of the squad. Needless to say, it begins with another return, that of the Elisa Armondi power plant, born in 1999.

“We are very happy to present as our first purchase that of Armondi, a central role, a really important return for us, as in the years spent together she has always proved to be a girl of great technical and human values”, explains Ricci satisfied, adding : «He is still young, but he already has a good experience behind him in the cadet championships. We had focused a lot on her and with her return we will be able to resume together the path we took five years ago, when we took her for the first time to wear our colors, a relationship that, due to force majeure, we were forced to interrupt in the moment of our painful renunciation of B1 ». Armondi first stood out in the youth academies of Igor Trecate, then she arrived in Certosa immediately revealing herself of great impact. Then the call of Florens in women’s B1 and, when the ducal club, during the pandemic, sold the rights to B1, Armondi moved to Ambrovit Garlasco winning a promotion to B1 and salvation in the outgoing season.

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The other announcement

Also in the center, Florens has already ready the second announcement. This is Lucrezia Rossi, another class of 1999. “Vigevanese doc, Lucrezia is a girl born and raised in the Gifra nursery, a company with which she has always stood out in the various championships played – explains diesse Ricci – In the season just ended, under the guidance of Mauro Rossi, he contributed in an important way to the good result achieved by our team in the Serie D championship and we are extremely pleased to be able to give you the opportunity to test yourself in a challenging championship such as the B2 series in which we are convinced he will be able to improve himself further and make his contribution to the group ». Ricci’s work has been intensifying in recent weeks with a view to quickly closing the entire squad and handing it over to coach Colombo complete already at the meeting scheduled, in principle, for 25 August. –

Fabio Babetto

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