Home » Sicily, Caterina Chinnici of the Democratic Party wins the primaries of the progressive field

Sicily, Caterina Chinnici of the Democratic Party wins the primaries of the progressive field

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Sicily, Caterina Chinnici of the Democratic Party wins the primaries of the progressive field

It is Caterina Chinnici, MEP of the Democratic Party to win the primaries of the progressive camp. According to what was communicated by the Sicilian Pd, the final figure of the online votes sees Caterina Chinnici ahead with 13,519 preferences, the exponent of the M5s Barbara Floridia with 10,068 votes, the regional deputy Claudio Fava with 6977. The votes collected in the gazebos are about 1400. It is expected. the final figure including preferences in the 32 gazebos on the island, but which “cannot affect the final outcome”, explained by the Democratic Party.

The Undersecretary for Education Barbara Floridia (M5s) obtained 10,068 preferences while the regional deputy Claudio Fava (Centopassi) obtained 6977 votes. The data refer to online voting. 30,640 people voted online, 77%. The votes of the gazebos are about 1400 so they would not affect the victory of Chinnici who will then compare himself with the other candidates for the presidency of the Region. The center-right is still discussing the re-nomination of Nello Musumeci, supported by the Brothers of Italy, while Fi, Lega, Udc, Mpa and Noi are against Italy. Another candidate is Cateno De Luca, former mayor of Messina, supported by his Sicilia Vera movement.

Caterina Chinnici, 68-year-old magistrate and since 2014 MEP in the ranks of the Democratic Party. she is the daughter of Rocco Chinnici, also a magistrate who contributed to the formation of the anti-mafia pool together with Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. And like them he was killed by the mafia on July 29, 1983.

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