Home » Over a thousand Ligurians have changed their general practitioner to a pharmacy

Over a thousand Ligurians have changed their general practitioner to a pharmacy

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Over a thousand Ligurians have changed their general practitioner to a pharmacy

1055 Ligurian citizens have already taken advantage of the new service available in Ligurian pharmacies to change the general practitioner.

“These numbers – is the comment of the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti – confirm that we have given an effective response to a real need of the Ligurians by allowing them to change the general practitioner in a simple, convenient and fast way in the pharmacy near the house, without having to go to the counters of your local health authority. An indispensable service, especially for those who are frail or live in the hinterland for example. “C

The new service has been active since 11 July thanks to the collaboration of Federfarma, Assofarm and Liguria Digitale.

Of the 1055 Ligurians who changed their general practitioner to pharmacy, 897 are in Asl3, 50 in Asl5, 43 in Asl2, 38 in Asl1 and 27 in Asl4.
In addition to the channels already active (ASL counters and online platform created by Liguria Digitale), in the 600 pharmacies in the area the new service is made available for adult citizens registered in the Liguria health register who will present themselves with the health card (EHIC) plus recently in their possession.

“The primary objective is to make life easier for citizens – adds Toti – also through the offer of a series of services related to health and prevention. Pharmacies have been and continue to be a fundamental safeguard for prevention, information to citizens and also for vaccination throughout the period of the coronavirus emergency, demonstrating the strategic importance of their role as networked ‘service pharmacies’. Starting from this virtuous experience, we have activated this new service, already much appreciated by the Ligurians “.

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In the last year, the changes made by Ligurian citizens were 327,387, of which 24,205 were performed online.

The requirements to carry out the operation

The necessary requirements to carry out the operation are remembered:

• be of age

• have an active registration in the same Asl where the pharmacy in which you want to use the service operates

• have or have had a doctor before

• not having made a change of doctor through the online platform in the previous 31 days

• do not belong to particular categories

The “change doctor” service is also available online at https://poliss.regione.liguria.it/cittadini/servizio-anagrafe-sanitaria. The page contains detailed instructions for accessing the service, which are shown below: the “Doctor Change” function allows you to choose a new doctor or a new pediatrician. If at the time of the choice the citizen already has a doctor assigned, this is revoked.

A citizen can change doctors if:

• is registered in the health register

• have or have had at least one doctor

• is not registered in the Registry of Italians Residing Abroad (Aire)

• has not deactivated the last choice made with the reason “Maritime” or “Sailor” and not even for “Suspension for stay abroad exceeding 30 days”

• did not use the “Change doctor” function in the previous 31 days

• has not already made a choice as of that day.

For the choice of the new doctor, the citizen can define search parameters (for example the geographical area of ​​interest) that allow him to view a list of names. The list includes all doctors in agreement and pediatricians, even with temporary assignments, present in the indicated area. For each name, information on addresses and study hours is also available, which helps the citizen in his choice.

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You can select the name of the new doctor if:

• has places available

• is not part of a study associated with the current doctor, if the choice is still valid

• is not replacing the current doctor, if the choice is still valid

• has not previously been in charge of that citizen and has “refused” him

• its type (general practitioner or pediatrician of free choice) is compatible with the age of the patient.

If one of these conditions is not met, the name cannot be selected.

Once the procedure is complete, the address and time information of the new physician is displayed. If necessary, the information can be printed.

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