Home » Calenda: “My proposal is an Atlanticist and pro-European pact. It is not a program and the Democratic Party cannot fail to recognize itself “

Calenda: “My proposal is an Atlanticist and pro-European pact. It is not a program and the Democratic Party cannot fail to recognize itself “

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Calenda: “My proposal is an Atlanticist and pro-European pact.  It is not a program and the Democratic Party cannot fail to recognize itself “

“Tomorrow we present the guidelines of the pact. It is not a program ». In the hot climate of the electoral campaign, the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda, speaks clearly: «We are Atlanticists and we are to give more power to the EU by strengthening relations with the USA. We are to respect the agreements on NATO expenses, to favor the Ukrainian resistance with the war material ». All things, he points out, “on which I think the Democratic Party is there because it voted for them.”

In the afternoon it was the dem secretary who closed definitively with the M5s and opened, instead, to the leader of Action: the fall of the Draghi government, Enrico Letta underlined, “was a collective suicide of Italian politics”, with M5s “the our paths have separated “in an” irreversible “way.

«I appreciate – Calenda then commented – the fact that he finally said no to 5 stars. We are ready to discuss, but with clarity, on gas and regasifiers or on waste and waste-to-energy plants. Otherwise we betray the idea of ​​the Draghi agenda ». The Action leader admitted that he “had a great deal of phone calls even from center-right people or entrepreneurs, who are outraged by what happened. On the other hand, with single-member colleges, if there is no form of alliance, they are lost ».

Speaking of alliances, Calenda also clarified the relationship with Maria Stella Gelmini, Mara Carfagna and Renato Brunetta, resigning from Forza Italia: «I often feel with Gelmini but then she will decide what to do. I am less familiar with Brunetta, but with Gelmini and Carfagna I often speak to myself ». On the leader of the League, however, “in Italy there are between 500,000 and 600,000 illegal immigrants: Salvini has not sent anyone home – stressed Calenda -. If you do not do the repatriation incentives and if you do not regularize those who find a job, the problem will not solve it. I tell the Italians: do not believe those who promise you gold on trees and absolute security. I tell the Italians: you must always ask ‘how’ ». And he added: “If we start over with the ports open or the ports closed, we won’t get anywhere.”

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It was then Roberto Gualtieri, mayor of Rome, who explained that the Democratic Party is ready “to build a great front for Italy, for Europe and for change”. And the leader of Action is part of this framework: «I hope Calenda will join us in a decisive battle for Italy – underlined Gualtieri -. All together with others, we could affirm a program that is adequate for this country, for a ruling class and a government worthy of a great country ”.

For Calenda, the one proposed and «that we have described is not a reassemblement of the center: there is a coalition to be made between parties, each of which with its own identity. I can represent the liberal democrats and the popular, if people come from Fi to help me do it. Renzi will represent whoever manages to represent … ».

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