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Smallpox of monkeys, the guidelines of the ministry: “Recourse to quarantine is possible”

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Smallpox of monkeys, the guidelines of the ministry: “Recourse to quarantine is possible”

While the green light for the administration of the vaccine is awaited, monkeypox continues to circulate in Italy. The latest data of the speak of 505 cases reported, of which 501 are males. To counter the increase in infections, the Ministry of Health has published a circular, signed by the director general for prevention Giovanni Rezza, in which he explains what to do in case you come into contact with a positive. Guidelines that do not hide how, in some specific cases, there may be the possibility Ā«to have recourse to the quarantineĀ».

First of all, as we have already seen with Covid-19, i close contacts “They must be identified as soon as possible and informed of the risk of developing infection.” These will have to avoid to donate blood, organs, breast milk or sperm during the surveillance period. This way, you can stem the infection before it becomes uncontrollable. Regarding contacts with exhibitions low riskĀ«It is possible to adopt the passive surveillanceself-check and inform your family doctor Ā».

And self-monitoring, therefore, which involves controlling the fever at least twice a day and paying particular attention to headaches, back pain or unknown rashes in the 21 days since the last exposure. Also avoid sexual intercourse for the same period of time. The asymptomaticinstead, they can continue routine daily activities such as going to work and attending school.

The vaccination campaign

Ā«Appropriate indications on the vaccination strategy in Italy against monkeypox will be provided with subsequent publication “, reads the circular. Meanwhile, the Lazarus Institute for Infectious Diseases Spallanzani of Rome announced that it is ready to start. However, he still has to wait from the ministry i definition criteria of the audience and age groups. As explained by the Lazio Region Health Councilor, there is talk of a vaccine a 2 doses, with an interval from each other of 2-3 months. The general director of Spallanzani, Francesco Vaia, made it known that he had offered the expertise of the Institute, also with the contribution of the Associations, for a correct campaign of information.

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The cases reported

The region with the highest number of cases is the Lombardywith 232, followed by Lazio at 104. Below are Emilia-Romagna, 57, Veneto, 33, Piedmont, 18, and Tuscany, 17. They are 5 regions who have not yet reported any: Basilicata, Calabria, Molise, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta. Across Europe, the latest budget (July 26) talks about 12,761 cases reported. In the Usainstead, they count 1.345 only in New York, even if the mayor Eric Adams says 150,000 people could be at risk.

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