Home » Ice cream with ATMs costs more, Selvaggia Lucarelli sets off the case in Vittorio Veneto

Ice cream with ATMs costs more, Selvaggia Lucarelli sets off the case in Vittorio Veneto

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Ice cream with ATMs costs more, Selvaggia Lucarelli sets off the case in Vittorio Veneto

Two receipts compared: an ice cream maker from Serravalle in the sights, who replies as follows: “It’s the opposite, I give the discount to those who pay in cash”

VITTORIO VENETO. A cone, paid in cash, costs 3% less than a cone paid by credit card. According to the receipts (but also to the audio of the phone call) published by Selvaggia Lucarelli – journalist, columnist and blogger – on her Instagram profile, at the Antica Gelateria Flaminio, in the square in Serravalle. The price difference is becoming a national case, given the notoriety of Lucarelli.

Clear his post on Instagram and Facebook. “Gelateria of Vittorio Veneto, Treviso. Two identical accounts, within minutes of each other. The one paid by credit card with a 3% surcharge “. The journalist does not mention the name of the renowned ice cream parlor, one of the most popular and popular in the city, but the identity is more than evident, also because the receipts speak for themselves. But Selvaggia goes further. She phoned asking for the reason for this behavior and the conversation was also made public.

Here is the post of the controversy

«The increase of 3% – explains the manager – we applied it to the entire price list a short time ago, precisely because of the increase in prices we have suffered in any sector. Since the price lists for sugar, milk and all the fresh materials we have to buy are updated every month, I am unable to print a price list every month, because the price list platform costs about 260 euros “. The manager warns that, in any case, “in front of the cashier there is a ticket where it says that starting from July there has been a 3% increase”.

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Selvaggia Lucarelli insists, asking for the price difference. Her answer would like to be sure: «It is a gift that we give to customers who want to pay in cash. The price list has increased by 3%, but for those who decide to pay in cash we make a discount of our own free will ».

The journalist insists, arguing that, more than a discount, it is an increase.

“Absolutely not,” is heard from the other side. Asked subsequently by journalists, the manager specified that for each ball 50 cents remain but, in fact, that with the obligation of the Pos the bank keeps 3% on electronic payments. “If they put the free pos, I would have no problems.”

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