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what they are and why eat them

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what they are and why eat them

What is meant by fermented foods !? And how can they help ensure that a healthy and balanced diet is maintained?

As far as we talk about the foods that have undergone the process fermentationnot everyone knows what these foods are benefits for the organism.

Foods fermented are those foods that derive from a completely natural process, called fermentation. And what is meant then by natural fermentation!? Exist bacteria, beneficial fungi and yeasts that transform sugar molecules into alcohols or acids. The metamorphosis of the aforementioned molecules is precisely the fermentation which then makes the foods a real one cure-all for the organism.

After fermentation the foods begin to have a more bitter tone and sometimes they are also more acidic. Among the foods fermented best known are kefir, yogurt, miso, brewer’s yeast. However, there are also fermented vegetables and teas such as kombucha.

Not only i fermented foods they keep much better but they are also excellent from digest. The reason lies precisely in the fact that the fermentation it is already a process that would have taken place during the digestion. True allies of a balanced diet, the foods that have undergone the process of fermentation they really bring a lot of positivity to those who hire them.

The benefits of fermented foods

Fermented foods: what they are and why to eat them

The fermented foods as well as being rich in probiotics (aka the good bacteria) and improving digestive health they also allow you to get more nutritional benefits. Although the idea is not really attractive, microorganisms are instead very good to integrate into diets and in truth great allies of the organism.

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The foods they become in fact more nutrients during the process of fermentation. This is because good bacteria produce vitamins e minerals in addition to those already contained in foods.

Not only that but the good bacteria present in food fermented they are allies of the immune system and are even able to improve heart health because they reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

In short, start eating more fermented foods, as always, maintaining a balance and not exaggerating, it could be an excellent excuse to stay healthy but also prevent some problems related not only to digestion, but also to cardiovascular system.

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