Home » The iPhone 14 may become the most expensive Apple mobile phone, and the die-hard “fruit fans” are also hesitant: the iPhone 13 with reduced price is really fragrant! |iPhone_Technology Channel_Sina Technology_Sina.com

The iPhone 14 may become the most expensive Apple mobile phone, and the die-hard “fruit fans” are also hesitant: the iPhone 13 with reduced price is really fragrant! |iPhone_Technology Channel_Sina Technology_Sina.com

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The iPhone 14 may become the most expensive Apple mobile phone, and the die-hard “fruit fans” are also hesitant: the iPhone 13 with reduced price is really fragrant! |iPhone_Technology Channel_Sina Technology_Sina.com

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Source: Die Zeit

Text | Qi Xin

In less than a month, the iPhone 14 will be released.

On August 18, the topic “iPhone 14 Pro will increase in price by $100” appeared on Weibo.

Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said that while the price of the base iPhone will remain the same, the iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max may increase in price by $100, given the increase in component prices and the added features of the new version.

“Save 100% if you don’t buy it.” “I just bought the iPhone 13 Pro, I don’t need it anymore.” Some netizens joked about this.

In the face of the high-priced iPhone 14, some consumers said that the reduced price of the iPhone 13 is “more fragrant”.

On August 18, a reporter from Times Weekly visited an Apple store in Shanghai. A store clerk told the reporter that if the iPhone 14 series is released, the iPhone 13 Pro series will be taken off the shelves, and the basic models may be sold at a reduced price, but the specific pricing strategy is still unclear.

As a “top-notch” event in the technology circle, Apple’s conference has always attracted much attention. Some media quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that Apple will hold a press conference on September 7, local time (September 8, Beijing time), to launch the iPhone 14 series of mobile phones.

Interestingly, the Huawei Mate 50 series may be released on September 7, and it will be “head-on” with the iPhone 14.

On August 19, the topic “Huawei Mate 50 has started mass production” also appeared on Weibo’s hot search.

On one side is the iPhone 13, which may be reduced in price, and on the other side is Huawei’s high-end Mate 50. Can the iPhone 14 still attract fans to pay like the previous generation?

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  The price may hit a new high

As early as the launch of the iPhone 13 series, news about the iPhone 14 series has emerged one after another.

Earlier this month, the topic of “iPhone 14 or no mini version” rushed to the hot search on Weibo. According to the news from the supply chain, the abandonment of the iPhone 14 mini by Apple has long been known in the circle, because it has not been seen from the beginning of material preparation, trial production and other links.

△ Source: Figure Worm Creative

The absence of the mini version means that the iPhone product planning will change. It was previously reported that the iPhone 14 series will include 4 models, namely the basic iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max, and the high-end iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

In terms of configuration, overseas whistleblower @Anthony said that the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will be equipped with the newly upgraded A16 bionic processor, using a 6.1/6.7-inch 120Hz AMOLED display, equipped with a 48-megapixel main camera and two The three-camera system composed of 12-megapixel lenses provides 8GB of storage and four memory specifications of 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. The battery capacities are 3200mAh and 4323mAh respectively.

The iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max will still use the A15 bionic chip, equipped with a 6.1/6.7-inch 60Hz AMOLED screen, rear dual 12-megapixel cameras, and provide 6GB of storage 128GB, 256GB, 512GB three memory specifications, battery capacity respectively 3279mAh, 4325mAh.

In terms of appearance, since the iPhone X first introduced Liu Haiping, Apple has been complained by many consumers, and this design is expected to change this time. According to reports, the new Pro models place the Face ID sensor in a pill-shaped screen cutout and place the front-facing camera in a circular hole-shaped area, replacing the original front-facing camera “notch” area, with the purpose of Increase screen space.

After a series of configuration upgrades, the price of the iPhone 14 may also hit a new high for the iPhone series. Tianfeng International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that the average selling price of the iPhone 14 series will increase by 15% compared with the iPhone 13 series, and the average selling price will rise to US$1,000 to US$1,050, due to the price increase and upgrade of the two iPhone 14 Pro models. High shipment ratio.

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  Do the “fruit fans” still pay for it?

As a wind vane in the mobile phone industry, the iPhone has always had a large number of loyal “fruit fans”. Whenever a new product comes, many “fruit fans” are excited and snap up. This time, however, things seem to have changed.

△ Source: Photo by Times Weekly reporter△ Source: Photo by Times Weekly reporter

With the news that the price of the iPhone 14 series has risen, many consumers believe that it is not worth buying at such a high price. Some netizens said that it is better to buy the iPhone 13 series.

Before the release of the iPhone 14, the iPhone 13 has taken the lead in a wave of official price cuts.

The above-mentioned Apple staff told the Times Weekly reporter that the last price reduction was in the official summer discount event held from July 29 to August 1, and the price has been adjusted back after the event.

According to the preferential information previously displayed on Apple’s official website, the products participating in the preferential activities at that time mainly included iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods, and the price reduction ranged from 150 yuan to 600 yuan. Apple rarely cuts prices on the entire iPhone 13 lineup.

Some netizens believe that after the release of the iPhone 14 series, the price of the iPhone 13 series will be reduced again, and they can start at that time. The above-mentioned Apple staff also told reporters that after the release of the new product, the basic iPhone 13 model may be sold at a reduced price.

Not only the iPhone 13, but also when the Huawei Mate 50 may be released at the same time, some netizens also suggested that the Mate 50 is a better choice than the iPhone 14.

Xiao Pan, who has plans to change phones recently, is struggling with this. She told the Times Weekly reporter that she used to be an iPhone user before switching to Huawei. Now that Huawei and Apple’s new products don’t seem to be cheap, she plans to wait for the iPhone 14 and Huawei Mate 50 to be released, and then compare the iPhone 13, iPhone 14 and Huawei’s several mobile phones before deciding.

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“Recent mobile phones are all the same.” In Xiaopan’s view, this is an important reason why she can’t make a clear decision on which mobile phone to buy. In this regard, Apple user Xiao Li also has the same feeling.

A few months ago, Xiao Li just got an iPhone 13. When it comes to choosing an iPhone, she told the Times Weekly reporter that since she uses an iPad and a MacBook on a daily basis, it is more convenient to start with an iPhone. In recent years, Apple has not innovated much, and its daily demand is not high, so there is no need to chase new products.

“The iPhone 14 series may be more about the camera or battery, because there is no other place to make a fuss.” On August 18, the above-mentioned Apple staff told the Times Weekly reporter that the upgrade of the iPhone in recent years has not been as strong as before. , more focus improvements. He believes that consumers can only make decisions based on current needs.

In the opinion of Sun Yanbiao, chairman of Chaodian Think Tank, since the iPhone 7, Apple’s press conference has become more and more disappointing, and consumers’ following Apple has evolved into a rational choice.

“In fact, the innovation of mobile phones has reached the ceiling of innovation under the leadership of Apple in the past few years.” Sun Yanbiao believes that before 2025, it may be difficult for mobile phones to produce revolutionary changes.

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