Home » Dear energy: social light, regasifiers and less VAT, the recipes of the parties

Dear energy: social light, regasifiers and less VAT, the recipes of the parties

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Dear energy: social light, regasifiers and less VAT, the recipes of the parties

Expensive energy and inflation risk weighing on Italians returning from holidays, with the cut in excise duties confirmed only until September 20. Il Pd among other things it proposes the “social light contract”. The center right asks to expand products with reduced VAT and also to evaluate the return to clean and safe nuclear power. Also Live action-Italy they ask in the long run to include nuclear power in the energy mix and in the short term to focus on regasifiers. The M5Sinstead, it calls for a revision of the gas price formation system, to avoid speculative phenomena


To aim for independence from Russian gas, the center-right, in the joint program, aims at increasing the production of renewable energy, diversification of energy supplies, less use of national resources, also through the reactivation and new construction of natural gas wells. Finally, he talks about the use of energy production through the creation of latest generation plants without vetoes and preconceptions, also evaluating the use of clean and safe nuclear power. On the rise front, he asks VAT interventions to calm the prices of basic necessities and enlarge the range of goods with reduced VAT and a reduction in VAT on energy products.

Democratic party

The Democratic Party has launched the proposal for a «new contract “Social light” for families with medium and low incomes. It is – the program reads – an energy supply contract produced entirely from renewable sources and purchased directly from the public company Acqucquisto Unico. The purchase contract will last for ten years and this will allow to obtain very low electricity prices for the benefit of families: up to a maximum of 1,350 KWh / year per family (equal to 50% of the average consumption), the electricity will be supplied at no cost, while on the part of consumption exceeding the prices will be controlled in any case ».

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Italian Left – Verdi

To reduce the price of energy and dependence on Russian gas, Sinistra Italiana – Verdi, allies of the Democratic Party, are aiming at stopping the export of Italian gas and at “photovoltaics above every roof”. They also have the objective of reaching “for electricity needs 80% renewable penetration by 2030 and almost 100% by 2035”. They also propose that «the extra profits giants such as Eni are taxed at 100% and returned to workers and to
workers with an extraordinary donation of 1,200 euros per family ».

Action – Italia Viva

The short-term priority for the third pole of Action and Italia viva is to complete the construction of the two regasifiers which allow the import of liquefied natural gas to replace the Russian one. In the medium term it is necessary to focus on renewable and in the long term, to include nuclear in the energy mix, it is then asked to help companies reduce the cost of electricity bills by encouraging production with renewable energy for self-consumption with a state guarantee.

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