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Vallorco with humility and trust “First of all salvation”

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Vallorco with humility and trust “First of all salvation”

The newly promoted started working on Saturday in Salassa with many new features Sunday the first test: a triangular with the presence also of Quincitava


After the celebrations for the deserved victory of the first category championship and the consequent passage to the Promotion (group B), Vallorco last Saturday, 20 August, resumed training on the Salassa field, in view of the next season.

As on the first day of school, on the Salasso pitch, mister promotion Luca Bruno Mattiet found themselves, who did the honors to the new faces in the Cuorgnatese home: Momoh, D’Agostino, Doumbia, Alessandro Corradin, Brosteanu, Erriquez and Cattero, while Bruno, Boetto, Rizzuto (new striker from Rivarolese), Prandoni, Barioli, Ferrari, Bufalino (midfielder arrived from the seventh) and Sanogo were justified absent.

Sporting director Efisio Cocco gathered the team in a circle and gave the inaugural speech: “We have landed in a category where the difficulties will increase from Sunday to Sunday, but the club believes a lot in each of the players and we have set ourselves a goal quiet salvation, we must all work from the first day with great enthusiasm and will. By the end of next week the squad will finally be complete, with the return of the last players from the holidays – explains Cocco – and will be available to coach Bruno Mattiet and his staff, made up of former Vallorco players, Diego Guglielmetti, up to last year football player and Stefano Crestetti, Bruno Mattiet’s assistants, Giuseppe Fuccio and Antonio Maio, goalkeepers, Matteo Caserio, masseur and Giuseppe Vona, who will instead be the match analyst ».

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The team will train this week today, Monday 22, tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday in Salassa, given that the green rectangle of Cuorgnè’s Carlin Bergoglio is undergoing restyling, then from the following week the cuorgnatese troop should return to Cuorgnè. Already energized and determined, the coach Bruno Mattiet explains: «In this phase of the season it is first of all important to get to know us all and work seriously both on the physical and the technical side – explains Bruno Mattiet -. On Saturday and Sunday we immediately had a double session, while this week we will do only one training on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, then on Thursday I gave the team a day of rest, Friday training and Sunday first friendly test. We will be on stage in Vische, at Stefano Acotto, where we will play a triangular match with Vischese and Quincitava and there we will be able to understand at what point we will be with the preparation, given that we will face a team that we will also have opponents in the league, such as Quincitava. This season I expect a team that is willing to confirm what good they did last year, there will be a price to pay, we know, but we are ready to dive into this new reality with great confidence and enthusiasm ».

Vallorco will play another friendly on Tuesday 30 August away against San Maurizio, then on Sunday 4 September they will be involved in the Italian Cup with Rivarolese and on Wednesday 7 the last pre-season friendly against Agliè Valle Sacra at Bumbunera di Agliè. –

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