Home » Bennacer responds to Malinovskyi Atalanta stops Milan’s race

Bennacer responds to Malinovskyi Atalanta stops Milan’s race

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Bennacer responds to Malinovskyi Atalanta stops Milan’s race

The Gasperini band frightens a devil less brilliant than the debut In the final, opportunities flow but Pioli’s men do not find the winning sharpness


Atalanta and Milan fight and put on a show at the Gewiss Stadium in the big match of the second day of Serie A, impacting the final score of 1-1. Malinovskyi scored first in what could have been his last match in the Nerazzurri shirt, then equalized Bennacer in the second half avoiding the ko for the Rossoneri who had opened the championship in the best way by beating Udinese at San Siro.

The teams of Gasperini and Pioli thus both rise to 4 points in the standings immediately behind Inter and Napoli who have full points. Great rhythms and intensity at the start of the match, with the Rossoneri immediately showing up with a couple of dangerous ideas from Leao who seems particularly inspired.

At 23 ‘instead Messias has a great chance on the left-handed, but addressed very little to the side. The Goddess is frightened but does not bend and close to the half hour she hits with Malinovskyi, who receives from Maehle and left-handed hole Maignan also thanks to a deviation of Kalulu. And to think that the Ukrainian attacking midfielder seemed on the eve of leaving Bergamo. The market, moreover, is not yet closed and the situation remains to be monitored.

The start of the second half is a continuous waltz of emotions on both sides, with Milan trying to push in search of equal, while Atalanta tries to take advantage of some space left by the opponents too much for the restarts. At 68 ‘, however, Bennacer thinks about equalizing the score for the Devil, placing a great left-handed around the far post where Musso cannot reach.

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In the end everything remains in the balance and both teams try to hunt for the three-point shot, but neither of them finds luck. In the end, the two teams have to settle for one point each. –

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