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Rape of Piacenza, the victim: “From the video they recognized me”

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Rape of Piacenza, the victim: “From the video they recognized me”

“I’m desperate, they recognized me from that video.” According to what was learned by the breaking latest news, the victim of the rape in Piacenza reported it to the investigators as part of the investigation into the violence suffered on the street in the Emilian city. The 55-year-old Ukrainian woman has been working in Italy for several years and was raped by an asylum seeker in the historic center of Piacenza at dawn on Sunday.

Rape video Piacenza, investigates the Prosecutor’s Office. Elly Schlein: “Giorgia Meloni remove him”

The Public Prosecutor of Piacenza on Monday opened a file against unknown persons for the crime of ‘dissemination without consent of material reproducing sexual acts’ in relation to the rape video disseminated by some newspapers, sites and the Facebook profile of Giorgia Meloni. Investigations by the Questura and the Postal Police are underway.

Rape video Piacenza, investigates the Prosecutor’s Office. Elly Schlein: “Giorgia Meloni remove him”

At the end of the hearing, the Gip of the Piacenza court validated the arrest for the 27-year-old native of Guinea, accused of raping the woman. The prosecutor, with the prosecutor Ornella Chicca, asked for jail, while the defense, lawyer Nadia Fiorani, asked for his release. The judge has reserved and will decide in the next few hours on the application of a precautionary measure.

The arrested, a clean worker, in Italy since 2014 and asylum seeker, answered the questions, providing his version of the facts. He would have said that he had no desire to harm the woman, but that he had approached to help her, thinking that he was ill and therefore rejecting her accusations.

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He also said he was unaware of a video of the episode, which has sparked political controversy in the last few hours. The young man, who lives in Reggio Emilia, said he spent the night between Saturday and Sunday in a nightclub.

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