Home » Independiente at work Immediately a tour de force The first friendly match on the 27th

Independiente at work Immediately a tour de force The first friendly match on the 27th

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Independiente at work Immediately a tour de force The first friendly match on the 27th


Independiente Ivrea’s first run of the season, which is preparing to start the third consecutive championship in women’s Serie C.

The Ivrea team of president Roberto Tridello in fact gathered on Friday 19 August under the orders of the new coach Alessandro Di Bartolo, second coach to Massimo Pairotto in the previous two years in C. The team last weekend was in training camp in Pont Canavese, with captain Monica Dreon and companions who, after the first training session on Friday, based mainly on explosive strength, technical ball possession and final match, also trained on Saturday and yesterday, Sunday 21 August.

On both days the troops of Mr. Di Bartolo held a double session: in the morning on the synthetic 8-a-side football pitch in Frassinetto, where the team was presented in the square on Saturday evening and in the afternoon on the 11-a-side pitch at Pont. From tomorrow, Tuesday 23 August, the Independiente Ivrea will return to train at Fabio Rizzo in Romano Canavese, as Di Bartolo also explains: “In the first days of the meeting, the long-term patients Lavarone, Mussano, Sala and Toniolo have not yet held any sessions, with the rest of the team who trained with great intensity. From Tuesday we will be in Romano again and we will train also on Wednesday and Thursday, while on Saturday 27 we will face our first friendly test and it will be in the family: most likely two mixed ranks teams will be made, in which girls from under 19 will also be used. As for the second friendly match, we will have to decide whether to play it on Saturday 3rd or Sunday 4th September against Alessandria with us or in Alessandria », explains Di Bartolo».

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The new Independiente Ivrea coach then focuses on the championship: «This start to the championship is the most difficult of the last three years. In fact, we face the Accademia Pavia, Pinerolo and Orobica Bergamo, three high-level teams. We will have to be good at interpreting the right way right away. Fortunately, we do not have the Italian Cup commitment in September, as in other seasons, but we will do it in December, so we will be able to concentrate on the championship and take home as many points as possible, to try to conquer the permanence in Serie C as soon as possible. in the next season. With Serie A that has become professional, there will be girls who from A and B, not playing, will cascade down to C and for this reason the level of the championship is much higher than last season. However, we want to fight with everyone and have our say ». –

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