Home » What happens to those who eat honey every day? Here is the answer

What happens to those who eat honey every day? Here is the answer

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What happens to those who eat honey every day?  Here is the answer

Honey is a sugary substance developed by api and not other insects. Honey bees produce honey from the nectar of flowers or other secretions coming from or found on living parts of plants. These secretions are then transformed, combined with specific substances, and finally stored and left to mature in the honeycombs of the hive. Each type of plant gives a different kind of nectar, and thus gives rise to variety of honey.

Honey it is consumed both for its good flavor and for its beneficial and loaded properties nutritional values. It is composed in particular of water, vitamins, enzymes such as diastase and invertase, and finally sugars such as fructose, glucose and maltose. Honey is also rich in mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfates and many pigments, organic acids. All this leads to benefits for our health.

The benefits of honey

Since honey has a very sweet taste, and is appreciated for this characteristic, it can come substituted for refined sugar.

The main composition of honey is formed by the presence of simple sugars, especially fructose. Did you know that this type of sugar is well metabolized by the body and does not lead to glycemic spikes? On the contrary, it is capable of release energy in a more modulated way. For this reason we can prefer honey to the use of refined sugar which, for its part, contains sucrose as the main component.

Honey it is a natural anti-inflammatory. Helps strengthen the immune system. Due to its healthful properties it is to be preferred those times in which we are not in good physical condition.

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Eating honey every day: what happens

Honey has many benefits for our health. Among the many we find these reasons:

It is rich in antioxidants.

Improve your memory.

Purify the liver.

Reduces the level by bad cholesterol.

Promotes sleep if we add a teaspoon to an herbal tea before going to sleep.

Obviously, as for any other alimentor, honey it must be consumed in moderation (and in a healthy and balanced diet). But what would be the right dose? One or two tablespoons a day are the right formula to take advantage of all the benefits listed above and even more. The best time for eat it in the morning for breakfast. In this way it offers us more charge and energy that we will use throughout the day. Or we can choose to eat honey in the evening to help sleep and recharge our batteries for the next day.

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