Home » If you often feel weak, eat these foods for energy

If you often feel weak, eat these foods for energy

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If you often feel weak, eat these foods for energy

The impression of always being weak, a general drop in energy, the feeling of feeling particularly tired these are all symptoms of a hot summer.

Often it happens in particular physical states, or simply due to a drop in pressure. However, there are some foods that are known to be energetic, healthy and useful for recharging when we feel a little weak. Eat these foods for energy.

Food for energy

Here are the foods to introduce in the diet to have more strength.


A great alternative to coffee, ginseng helps a lot against the symptoms of low blood pressure. It is proposed as an excellent energizing supplement, but at the same time we must not overdo it because it is much sweeter than coffee.


Honey is a food fromhigh nutritional power, suitable for those who practice sports, but also for those suffering from hypoglycemia: it consists of sugars, mainly fructose, and is often used as an alternative to sweeten drinks and desserts. Immediately guarantees a lot of energy!

Dried fruit

Among the foods to have energy there are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios are excellent for counteracting fatigue. Being fatty foods, however, it is important to pay attention to the quantities: better avoid exceeding 30-40 grams per day so as not to frustrate the efforts of the diet. They are perfect as a mid-morning snack, to combine with fruit as well.


Wheat is also a valuable energizing food. However, it is not necessary to consume (only) the classic bread, pasta and similar: in fact, we can also include in the diet wheat germ. Able to guarantee also mineral salts and vitamins of group B, E, D and folic acid. It is usually combined with the milk or vegetable drinksor in soups, soups and salads.

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Among the foods for energy there is also fruit. Bananas provide potassium and magnesium capable of giving energy and eliminating fatigue. In fact, even a single fruit immediately puts at our disposal energies ready to be used and cheer us up: it helps, in fact, to improve the mood and relax the body. Also excellent against abdominal cramps.


L‘beaten egg in the morning, during times of stress or during seasonal changes, it is one of the classics “Grandmother’s remedies” against fatigue. It has always been to the pre-exam boys in fact. In general, the egg for breakfast that is hard or scrambled, typical of an English breakfast, guarantees a lot of energy.

Dark chocolate

Good news for gourmands who feel a little tired: dark chocolate helps a lot, against fatigue. In fact it contains the theobromine, which improves our resistance to fatigue and invigorates us. Furthermore, cocoa stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, and reduces daily stress, without forgetting the pleasant feeling of psychological satisfaction that comes from a picture of a good chocolate bar. Also recommended in low-calorie diets.

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