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Monkeypox: There is a case in the Bat

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Monkeypox: There is a case in the Bat

BARLETTA – About two months ago he was in Marrakech, a city in western Morocco that was once also the imperial capital and is now an important economic and commercial center of Africa overlooking the Mediterranean. For some days, the 31-year-old man, resident in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, had begun to accuse more and more frequently symptoms of exhaustion, unjustifiable for what had been his general state of health up to now.

In addition, some glands in the throat had swollen and the fever was also on average strong and persistent for a few days until it reached 38.5 degrees.

“Monkey pox” finally diagnosed the doctors of the emergency room in Barletta, after a careful evaluation of the case and the decision to arrange for the transfer to the infectious ward of the “Vittorio Emanuele II” hospital, in Bisceglie. “But it is not the case to create alarmism – added the doctors -. The patient is reacting well to the administration of the drugs and the hypotheses of contagion due to smallpox are minimal Ā».

The young man had decided to resort to the assessments and treatment of the doctors of the “Monsignor Dimiccoli” hospital a couple of days ago, precisely because of the constant tiredness he accused, that annoying impossibility of not being able to carry out any activity, even without having been previously engaged in any particularly strenuous action.

When he arrived at “Monsignor Dimiccoli”, the young man was subjected to various ritual tests, but what most alarmed the doctors in the emergency room was the presence of blisters on various parts of the body. “Blisters that resembled those of chickenpox,” says one of the doctors who treated the patient, but who in that specific case helped to further set off the alarm bell.

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In short, the case found in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani confirms a rising national trend for citizens affected by the viral disease. Men are infected to a greater extent than women. Of the more than seven hundred patients discovered so far in Italy, nearly two hundred have recently made a trip abroad. As in the case found in Puglia.

“One more reason – the doctors underline – to keep our guard up against viral diseases, whether it’s Covid-19 or monkeypox and never forget that simple hygiene and health precautions can effectively protect ourselves and those who are there. environment”.

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