Home » A shot goes off at the Vedelago shooting range, a 61-year-old injured

A shot goes off at the Vedelago shooting range, a 61-year-old injured

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A shot goes off at the Vedelago shooting range, a 61-year-old injured

The man had the gun in his holster, but a shot went off that pierced him. Transported to Ca ‘Foncello.

VEDELAGO. He accidentally starts a shot at the shooting range, injures his foot. It happened on Wednesday around 4pm at the Vedelago Shooting Club. The man, a 61-year-old from Susegana, was practicing with the gun when the shot was accidentally fired.

The pistol was stowed in the holster, but obviously unsecured. The bullet hit him in the foot, piercing him. The intervention of the Suem was immediately requested, the helicopter and the police patrols arrived on the spot.

He gets a shot at the shooting range and is injured: the dynamics of the accident

The man was transported to the Ca ‘Foncello hospital in Treviso, he is not in danger of life. He will undergo tests to verify the condition of the foot that was pierced by the bullet.

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