Home » Drink lots of water a day to eliminate cellulite: here are which waters have been considered most effective

Drink lots of water a day to eliminate cellulite: here are which waters have been considered most effective

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Drink lots of water a day to eliminate cellulite: here are which waters have been considered most effective

Very often people who suffer from cellulite or water retention believe that drinking lots of water can further increase their problem. But that’s not the case at all, because cellulite itself is a real one disease and therefore, assume draining liquids, precisely I am referring to at least 1 liter and a half a day, it helps to fight cellulite, but unfortunately not to eliminate it completely. Because drinking water helps against cellulite? Let’s find out together. Water is a lifesaver for purify our body.

In fact, it manages to eliminate excess toxins and revitalize the physiological mechanisms of the body that induce diuresis and also lymphatic circulation. Precisely for this reason, among the many causes that determine the development of cellulite there is the tendency to retain liquids. The problem of water retention affects about 40% of women, but what is it due to? It is determined by an ineffective, efficiency of the lymphatic circulationwhich involves the formation ofedema and also the accumulation of toxins.

The latter greatly affect cellular metabolism, causing swelling of the tissues most of the time. Indeed, those who suffer from water retentionaccuses symptoms such as heaviness, the swelling and finally, localized tension. Also, these symptoms lead people to mistakenly think that drinking lots of water increases swelling. But that’s not true at all. Because the more you drink, the more you favor the elimination of any liquids that have been accumulated in the tissues, especially if the water is low in sodium and with a good content of calcium and magnesium.

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Why do women especially suffer from cellulite and water retention? This greater predisposition of donne cellulite is mainly due to the lotus hormonesnamely estrogen and progesterone, as they tend to favor both the accumulation of body fat, which is deposited in some parts of the body, such as in the thighs and hips and both water retention and increased capillary permeability. In addition, other factors that affect the development of cellulite are: predisposition geneticsoverweight, a habit of to smokedrinking, the consumption of certain drugs and even the habit of wearing uncomfortable shoes or clothes that are too tight.

Good advice if you don’t feel like drinking a lot water during the day, it is to opt for herbal teas and draining infusions, especially if they are based on plants and vitamins, which will favor the process of losing excess fluids. Which foods help against the cellulite? Here’s the list. There are some products that you can introduce into your eating habits. For example, celery, nettle and green asparagus. These products are considered as such, since they have characteristics antioxidantsdiuretic and even anti-inflammatory.

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