Home » Tomorrow the season starts with the Italian Cup of Excellence and Promotion

Tomorrow the season starts with the Italian Cup of Excellence and Promotion

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Tomorrow the season starts with the Italian Cup of Excellence and Promotion


Tomorrow the 2022-23 Lombard amateur football season kicks off with the first day of the Italian Cup for Excellence and Promotion. Of the ten matches that will involve teams from Pavia, only two have been moved to night at 20.30, the others will be played in the afternoon. In Excellency at the official time of 17, in fact, in the field in the group 15 the Vogherese against the Luisiana, while in the same group postponed to 20.30 at the Fortunati Pavia-Virtus Binasco. At 5 pm on the field in Codogno in group 16 the Oltrepo of mister Albertini. On the field promotion at 17 Landriano-Tribiano (round 25), Sancolombano-Vistarino (round 27), Casteggio-Frog Milan (round 30), Settimo Milanese-Città di Vigevano (round 31) and Vighignolo-Robbio (round 32). Postponement in the afternoon at 18.30 in group 29 for Rozzano-Viscontea Pavese. In the evening at 20.30 the only Promotion match of our teams is that of Santa Cristina between Union Calcio Basso Pavese and Paullese (round 26). For Excellence and Promotion then return to the field after only 3 days Tuesday at 20.30, official time for fields with approved lighting, while 17 for those who do not have it, obviously except for the use of other gaming venues. Virtus Binasco, for example, on Tuesday 30th will play the second match of the Italian Cup of Excellence in Lacchiarella at 8.30 pm, hosting the Vogherese. Also on the same field, the newly promoted Binaschi team will make its debut in the league on Sunday 4 September (3.30 pm) hosting Gavirate. The Italian Cup of both Excellence and Promotion will complete the first phase with the matches on Wednesday 14 September. The winners of each group will land in Excellence in the round of 16 and in Promotion in the round of 32 (both in a single match). –

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Enrico Venni

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