Home » All the tips for resuming physical activity after a sedentary period

All the tips for resuming physical activity after a sedentary period

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A sedentary lifestyle is never good for our body and easily creates problems of various kinds. So, even if you are very busy, or closed at home, it is always better to be able to find a time for physical activity. Just a little, a little good will and half an hour a day, even spread in a day. Whether due to an accident, lockdown, family commitments, study or work, taking up sports again is never easy. Especially after a long time of standing still.

All the tips for resuming physical activity after a sedentary period

The main problems that can arise are related to breathing, heart rate and muscle tone. The lungs are no longer used to great efforts, as are our hearts, never tested in months of pause. Before starting to play sports again, it is advisable to rebalance your lung capacity through very useful ones breathing exercises and long walks. In this way we return to tone the muscles and activate the heart in accordance with the physical effort. But let’s see specifically what are all the tips for resuming physical activity after a period of sedentary lifestyle.

Constancy and attention to what our body communicates to us

It is absolutely essential, both at the beginning of a recovery and afterwards, to maintain a certain consistency. As in all things, consistency is the secret of success, in every field. When returning to physical activity, we need to be consistent. We start small, we listen to our body, without overdoing it. Little by little we increase the effort. Sports are always recommended in the beginning aerobian, such as walking, light jogging, a bike ride. We don’t start immediately with weights or short but intense efforts, such as sprint running or cycling, swimming or mountain hiking. Once a certain muscle tone has been acquired and the heartbeat has regularized and our breathing becomes less labored, then we can think of daring a little more. But not before having consulted the important advice of a doctor.

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We also keep in mind clothing. Convenience must go hand in hand with efficiency and use.

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